Beetradex update

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Wonderful. If I tested positive I suspect stan might quarantine in the bedroom and I would have to feed him
Only joking. We share everything even disease. 😂

SWMBO tested positive (mild symptoms) two weeks ago (now negative) but I remained negative. Fortunately she has such a low opinion of my domestic skills that she continued to serve me meals piping hot and on the dot.......:p
SWMBO tested positive (mild symptoms) two weeks ago (now negative) but I remained negative. Fortunately she has such a low opinion of my domestic skills that she continued to serve me meals piping hot and on the dot.......:p
You’re spoilt.
I have often looked at PLUK but always thought they expanded mesh looked flimsier than others on the market,what is your impression?. Several other suppliers offer mesh at similar prices.
Interesting point. I just checked with a micrometer and theirs is showing to be ~.95mm thick whereas the other stuff I have been using (STB?) comes in at ~1.1mm. How much difference that makes in practice I should be able to tell shortly as I have a couple of of UFEs awaiting their mesh.

I paid £50 for 10m x 460mm. From that I should be able to get enough for 23 floors (more than sufficient for the foreseeable future). That works out at about £2.17 per floor.

The two chaps that own and run PLUK were on the stand and were pleasant and helpful. They fully admit to being new to beekeeping, but I think they learned a lot about beekeepers from the exhibition...

If you are likely to need any more mesh, or indeed any other steel bits, then it might be a good idea to stock up at the Welsh ot the BBKA Spring Convention ( I do not think PLUK will be at either of them). British Steel announced a 25% increase in steel prices on Friday, and there is the expectation of more to come.
Pleased you enjoyed the show, we have some things to learn but overall I thought it was a huge success as did most visitors

Thanks, look forward to seeing you next year :)

I did enjoy it, always good to see what’s on offer. I was tempted to switch my 2 14x12 to a clone of WBC with buying some lifts, but prudence took over. I queued for about 45 minutes to pay for x2 hive tools and 4 mouse guards, but had a good chat with various fellow beekeepers whilst waiting. I didn’t look at the brochure until the next day so missed out on the talks etc. but for a 1/2 a day out it was great fun.
I turned up on Saturday and while dissapointed at the lower number of exhibitors, was able to purchase what I had ordered, what I needed and some things that I wanted (but technically do not need). Seeing the long, long queues at the Bee Equipment stand I did not even bother to look at any of their stuff. One new exhibitor I bought from was PLUK (Beekeeping - PLUK Limited) If you make your own floors then it is useful to know that their varroa mesh is a fraction of other people's prices.

So thanks to Patrick for investing in keeping the show going, but I imagine that it will need to increase the number of exhibitors in order to continue to be economically viable
The aim is to encourage small producers and manufacturers, local bees and queens, we discounted stand for sole traders under our “business development scheme” more stands than the BBKA show and north of 2000 visitors, I am feeling it was generally a huge success, of course more would be good but we cannot force companies to attend. BeeTradex, we have booked the next 5 years.
Thanks for coming and the feedback. (y)
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The aim is to encourage small producers and manufacturers, local bees and queens, we discounted stand for sole traders under our “business development scheme” more stands than the BBKA show and north of 2000 visitors, I am feeling it was generally a huge success, of course more would be good but we cannot force companies to attend. BeeTradex, we have booked the next 5 years.
Thanks for coming and the feedback. (y)
I queued for about 45 minutes to pay for x2 hive tools and 4 mouse guards, but had a good chat with various fellow beekeepers whilst waiting.

I didn't attend but surely folk having to wait 45 minutes to make a purchase is not good for business, Patrick?
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Sorry, you do realise we are the second largest equipment supplier in the UK don't you, along with other suppliers who are largest in their field, or is that just splitting hairs

It still not a trade exhibition, if 4 of the other leading equipment suppliers don't turn up for one reason or another. It's the Bee Equipment fair.

I would have thought a successful business man like yourself, with the company history you have would have known the difference?

Or is this the progressive attitude you spoke of that ignores inconvenient facts
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I went and had a great time. I really like the location of the event. Kind of works for a lot of people across the UK.

The Bee Equipment corner was very well stocked but the queue was rather long :( The cheap bee suit shop also seemed to be doing very well.

I'd wager every company that attended, was happy with their decision.

I'd say for Bee Equipment, this year was a resounding success. Excellent numbers of people attended and they had a constant flow of people queueing to buy their equipment.

Next year, I would definitely like to see the return of some of the other major exhibitors. People can take a punt on a beehive for a couple of ££ but when you are spending a couple of thousand £££ on an extractor, these are the kind of events where its nice to be able to touch and feel the expensive extraction machinery before you commit to purchase.

My fear is that without the likes of Swienty, Fritz, Thorne, Maisemore, Abelo, STBK in attendance, the numbers will drop in the future. I felt truly sorry for the guy at the Dog's Trust stall :(
It still not a trade exhibition, if 4 of the other leading equipment suppliers don't turn up for one reason or another. It's the Bee Equipment fair.

I would have thought a successful business man like yourself, with the company history you have would have known the difference?

Or is this the progressive attitude you spoke of that ignores inconvenient facts
If the old companies who don’t like change don’t want to be involved that’s up to them, the cost of beekeeping has dropped significantly since we have been involved, all those companies that so dislike what I do are happy to drop their names in favour of a version on my company name, in time new companies will replace them……….that business
I didn't attend but surely folk having to wait 45 minutes to make a purchase is not good for business, Patrick?
We definitely got wrong footed on the sales, but there has never been a beekeeping show of any type in the UK with 2000 + visitors, we need to take some lessons from this and build on it, over the next 5 years we will improve to the benefit of beekeepers and the industry.
I wish you good luck in the 5 year plan. My main issue is similar to the one that Laurence mentions above. I've used Beetradex in the past to make decisions on larger value spending. I couldn't have done that with the this years event, which was a shame. Feels to me like your target attendee is more the one or two hive beekeeper, and those who support bees or are interested in starting, rather more experienced larger scale hobbiest and above. I hope you can make it more attractive to the latter for future events.
There are a few accusations being flung around in this thread and another. This forum is no place for them.
If you enjoyed the show fine. If you didn’t and have a genuine grievance then air politely and without innuendo.
I am sorry if it felt like that, if you read some of the threads you may be able to understand my concerns

I'm not saying it should happen, but unfortunately that the price of business and dealing with the general public. I've noticed that people in general seem to be a lot less tolerant in the past few years. Someone will also be disgruntled with how things are run and if enough people are, there will be alternatives provided.
I was surprised when you purchased Beetradex as it felt like a conflict of interest for Bee Equipment as second largest UK supplier to be in control of this event. Its shouldn't be a surprise if other vendors don't want to support you, as you said in post 52, that's business - online sales are far cheaper to carry out than the cost and logistics of in person attendance.
I do hope you can persuade more larger vendors back in future with a more collaborative approach, but if not alternatives will appear to fill the gap
I've noticed that people in general seem to be a lot less tolerant in the past few years.

this made me laugh. You ought to dig back to the early years of the forum and you’ll find all sorts of zealots…and a fair few were banned for life as a result !

which is funny as the forum was set up originally because many were unhappy with the way the BBKA forum was being run and moderated resulting in, you guessed it, people being banned…!

hey ho

back to bottling I go.


this made me laugh. You ought to dig back to the early years of the forum and you’ll find all sorts of zealots…and a fair few were banned for life as a result !

which is funny as the forum was set up originally because many were unhappy with the way the BBKA forum was being run and moderated resulting in, you guessed it, people being banned…!

hey ho

back to bottling I go.


Ha Ha ,..... yes, go back a few years and any spats we have on here these days pale by comparison to some threads back then. Even I got banned for brawling with Finman ! Poacher turned gamekeeper ...
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Ha Ha ,..... yes, go back a few years and any spats we have on here these days pale by comparison to some threads back then. Even I got banned for brawling with Finman ! Poacher turned gamekeeper ...
Oh those early days....I could sit back with a bag of popcorn.