Bee Suits

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You know what they say 'buy cheap buy twice'

normally I'd agree with you, but......

saw these on evil bay at £10 free postage, wanted a spare jacket for when I get visitors at my woodland who wanted a closer look at the bees, so ordered one, was amazed at the quality, so much so that I ordered two more, and now, it's all I use, my expensive full suit stays in the shed, these are so easy to put on, visually looking through the metal mesh they are great, although my Mrs does call me a minion

I'll add, the company that were selling them have now raised the price to around £16

with the shocking pink suit!

Interesting the BBWear retro suit sizes recommendation is maximum height 6'2

I am somewhere between 6'3"- and 6'4" (without heels ;) )

Our local SBI is issued with BBWear suits, I think they're the standard issue with the APHA etc embroidered on the pocket. The suits get washed every day, and don't seem to hold any propolis stains etc..

I've got one from the same place and with a round veil. The retro style, I think they call it. It doesn't get washed as often because it isn't used as often, but it's in very good condition and cleans up very well.

It's worth checking the BBW 'bargain' bin, or whatever they call it, because sometimes they overstock one or more colours of the larger sizes. Very quick service if you order over the phone too.
BB Wear gets my vote, James (aka 'Dave') & Mum are a pleasure to deal with.
Hi Pete
I have tried several suits from the UK but all appear to have flaws and design faults. My American one from Golden Bee Suits I have had for over 7 years and it has proved priceless,
I gave up this month and ordered a new one from the USA, It is going to cost nearly £200 with delivery etc but I have decided that£25 per year for peace of mind is a small price to pay.
I use sherriff bee farmer vails and cheap white overalls good quality gauntlets. For me sheriff's clear view vails are unbeatable and would rather save on the overalls than the vail
The mesh used on BBwear suits is much softer and more pliable than that used on some other, usually cheaper, suits where the mesh is stiff and plasticky. The stiffer mesh will hold a crease and then split easily (though not necessarily visibly) along the crease. This doesn't happen with the softer mesh. My BBwear suit, hood included, has had frequent washing with 1200 rpm spin for 5 years. I have replaced the elastic thumb loops but it's impossible to get decent elastic so not a fault of the suit.
All 'fabric' mesh used in veils is going to suffer if not treated with a modicum of care.
For bushwhacking in Hawthorn, you do need to be a bit careful - or else get one of the 'diver's helmet' types with metal mesh that some of the industrial american beekeepers seem to favour.

Incidentally - I've just noticed that KBS (Kemble Bee Supplies) list such wire mesh veils on their foundation price list. Veil and helmet (to mount the thing on) is a £30 package.
Square folding veil with wire mesh sides and front, good vision & cool For use with helmets