Bee line ????

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Oct 30, 2010
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South West
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Simple question with so many different answers!!!

How far must one moove a full hive of bees... a strong colony........................... to relocate them so that they do not return to the old hive stance?

in miles
and / or kilometers

this is in the UK so inferrence of mountains do not really come in to it

I know what all the books say, but sometimes I think one author copies anothers facts and pomulgates a myth!!
short one line answers would be appreciated!
Thanks folk!!!
3 miles
but but I have moved less then a mile and the hives been ok

Probably very dependant on season.

When they are tucked up and not flying, doubt if you need to do the 3 mile rule.
i was taught that two miles was sufficient, but i think this is dependant on whether the "main" forage crop the bees are on is within flying distance of the new location, if so they will forage then return to the old site.....
Short move

Probably very dependant on season.

When they are tucked up and not flying, doubt if you need to do the 3 mile rule.

Something along the same lines.
I need to move my hives (2) about 30', if I wait until the depths of winter and they are well clustered could I move them in one go? Would they remember where the hive was, even if they have not been flying for a long time. Or will I have to move them in 6' steps. On warm days they have been flying and bringing in the Ivy like there is no tomorrow.

Best Regards to all
V' tired mate, still working over in east anglia every week...

the bee's seem to be doing well though, fingers crossed

are you treating with OA this year? if so are you on neil's list?
I'm on the list, but I've got some anyway.

Are you going on the 4th, just a tidy up session I think.

Mate and I had 1st and 2nd at Ches's show. (Novice section) :)
Something along the same lines.
I need to move my hives (2) about 30', if I wait until the depths of winter and they are well clustered could I move them in one go? Would they remember where the hive was, even if they have not been flying for a long time. Or will I have to move them in 6' steps. On warm days they have been flying and bringing in the Ivy like there is no tomorrow.

Best Regards to all

when do you need to move them?

if it can wait till spring and you have another location you could move the hives to, leave it till then, then move them to the second location, leave them for at least two weeks then bring them back and locate onto the new position
Something along the same lines.
I need to move my hives (2) about 30', if I wait until the depths of winter and they are well clustered could I move them in one go? Would they remember where the hive was, even if they have not been flying for a long time. Or will I have to move them in 6' steps. On warm days they have been flying and bringing in the Ivy like there is no tomorrow.

Best Regards to all
Wait for a prolonged cold spell and move them in one go. sent.....
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I'm on the list, but I've got some anyway.

Are you going on the 4th, just a tidy up session I think.

Mate and I had 1st and 2nd at Ches's show. (Novice section) :)

Fair enough, neil's asked me to knock up enough for over 300 hives :eek:

Well done on the results!

was hoping to enter a jar or two, but work and the wedding stuffed that idea up..

yep i'll be there on the 4th
Topical question ican.

As I understand it 3 miles rule is in flying season.

In winter is it possible to move a short distance and as long as they don't fly for 3 days they will be OK?

If so I will move one of my nucs 50 yds.
Fair enough, neil's asked me to knock up enough for over 300 hives :eek:

Well done on the results!

was hoping to enter a jar or two, but work and the wedding stuffed that idea up..

yep i'll be there on the 4th

Good, see you there.

That hive we put the frame in, is now my strongest.

Been down today and they were out and about in the sunshine.
Winmag and Silly Bee,

Question: Would these personal chit-chats not be better by PMs rather than the forum?

It would not disrupt the thread flow.

Well, actually, we did contribute to the topic on the thread.

However. point taken.
moving hives

we moved mine exactly 1km in May with no problems.

Probably helped that the recipient site has peach trees in front so will have presumably forced reorientation.

At this time of year aren't most bees out foraging new to the process and so will orientate before heading off?
"would it not be risky moving them while they in cluster?"

i'd have thought it was ideal time - queen well "wrapped up" in ball of bees rather than out wandering on frames.

it's only 30' after all and presumably he won't be swinging the hive about like a toddler between its' parents!
"would it not be risky moving them while they in cluster?"

i'd have thought it was ideal time - queen well "wrapped up" in ball of bees rather than out wandering on frames.

it's only 30' after all and presumably he won't be swinging the hive about like a toddler between its' parents!

I intend to move my hive about 20 feet once I have finished clearing the space I have in mind for them. They have a temporary space at the moment with a screen in front to act as a windbreak.

I was told if you do it when they are clustered and put something in front like a plant, it will force reorientation and the less than 3', more than 3 miles rule doesn't apply. After all, in the wild, their homes in trees are subject to shifting and change and wind could cause a branch to break and faull in front of the opening, changing the way the outside of the hive would look.

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