There must be good and bad local associations. Mine (Sleaford) is pretty good, they organise regular apiary visits and a few events, and have their own show, but the most important thing I get from them is meeting local beeks. Lincoln is even better I think organising several interesting talks and live demos. The other one local to me, Grantham, on the other hand is a specialist club of half a dozen large keepers and not very helpful to the novice.
We are charged a fairly paultry £23. I'm not political about the BBKA, and in any event my view is if you disagree with policy that it is better to try and change from inside rather than rant from outside. I think on the whole they do a very good job, pesticide issue aside. The insurance is definitely a plus.
I also think it is very helpful for beekeepers to have a central voice -as a unorganised bunch of hobbyists we would have no lobbying power.
Despite the fact I get the bulk of my information from here and books, I'll certainly be renewing.