Are our bees 'enslaved'

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The idea that vegetarianism is a western indulgence is completely wrong.

You're misquoting me now. I never said vegetarianism is a western indulgence. I said that veganism is. And no I'm not touchy - just resent being talked down to.

We now live in a world with a population of over 7,000,000,000 and rising fast. Most of those people live in cities. It's not an image I like, but it is the truth

And your solution to this is grain production? I disagree but this is becoming rather pointless as we clearly have very different opinions and nothing is served by endlessly going round the houses. To quote a well known TV programme "I'm out".
And your solution to this is grain production? I disagree but this is becoming rather pointless as we clearly have very different opinions and nothing is served by endlessly going round the houses. To quote a well known TV programme "I'm out".

No, my solution would be to maintain a sustainable population (3 billion?), but there seems to be no will by governments to address this. Instead, 'the system' has opted for pushing food production higher and higher, thus kicking the can down the road until we can't produce any more, the environment is shagged, and we're all starving anyway.

Still, at least it's stopped raining :)
No, my solution would be to maintain a sustainable population (3 billion?), but there seems to be no will by governments to address this.

The government could start the ball rolling by transporting all vegans and vegetarians to live with the Inuit.:reddevil:
Yes, we are more like the other animals than many people would like to think. The only difference is that we have the ability to consider the moral implications of our behaviour- if we choose to.

From Georgia State University

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, are the first to show chimpanzees possess a sense of fairness that has previously been attributed as uniquely human.


Chimpanzees show conformity to peer behavior
with more GM food we can feed trilion not just bilions, wont be easy but indeed posible.
"Science it works!"

Yes: standing room only ion cities. All available land taken up by crops. Forests? What are they..?

Anything is possible. Whether it is desirable is a totally different thing..

As for a world population of 3 billion, the journey there will be "interesting".. Just adopt euthanasia for all over 55s.. For starters.

That's this forum cut down to size for a start..
Yes: standing room only ion cities. All available land taken up by crops. Forests? What are they..?

Anything is possible. Whether it is desirable is a totally different thing..

As for a world population of 3 billion, the journey there will be "interesting".. Just adopt euthanasia for all over 55s.. For starters.

That's this forum cut down to size for a start..

standing room only says who? this is a big ass plant with lots of space we dont use! deserts and the sea.

55s gone probably bad idea as average age of all nobel prize winners is over 55.

cut forum down charming:ohthedrama:
21 pages and still going, who said beeks had time on their hands during the winter months, what tosh!
I think Jainism could be considered "eastern" certainly not "western"?
Whilst travelling around India, we met some Jainist monks. They had taken the non possession part of their faith to the extreme that they were naked. They wouldn't be able to keep bees or even survive in this sodden or freezing country.
My wife (lapsed Catholic) was very embarrassed :spy:on meeting them, I just felt inadequate!
Whilst travelling around India, we met some Jainist monks. They had taken the non possession part of their faith to the extreme that they were naked. They wouldn't be able to keep bees or even survive in this sodden or freezing country.
My wife (lapsed Catholic) was very embarrassed :spy:on meeting them, I just felt inadequate!

I hope she was the only one 'with' a stiffy.
As for a world population of 3 billion, the journey there will be "interesting".. Just adopt euthanasia for all over 55s.. For starters.

It would have to be a long slow process- the first thing is to stop the population explosion that's still going on, mainly in africa now. If people can only get the idea of stopping at 2 children we'll be well on our way. Stopping at one is even better, but brings it's own economic challenges 30 years down the line.
It would have to be a long slow process- the first thing is to stop the population explosion that's still going on, mainly in africa now. If people can only get the idea of stopping at 2 children we'll be well on our way. Stopping at one is even better, but brings it's own economic challenges 30 years down the line.

China is finding out that the one child policy has left them with too few people to work in the factories and with a lack of support for the elderly.
It would have to be a long slow process- the first thing is to stop the population explosion that's still going on, mainly in africa now. If people can only get the idea of stopping at 2 children we'll be well on our way. Stopping at one is even better, but brings it's own economic challenges 30 years down the line.


You obviously have not read the UK population is going to grow to 70Million by 2027.. so if you think housing is short now....

And with our ageing population , reducing the number of young adults is going to mean a reduction in money for pensioners and an inability to look after the elderly...

The perils of a reduction in population mean reduced GDP, reduced wealth and a reduction in houses: rather like Detroit in the US which is now largely abandoned by the well off and those who can. Much of it is reverting to prairie..

You obviously have not read the UK population is going to grow to 70Million by 2027.. so if you think housing is short now....

Yes, I've read it. Unfortunately those in a position to do something about it seem to have no interest in doing so.

And with our ageing population , reducing the number of young adults is going to mean a reduction in money for pensioners and an inability to look after the elderly...

That's why you have to do it gradually.

The perils of a reduction in population mean reduced GDP, reduced wealth and a reduction in houses: Well yes. But if there's less people you don't need so many houses.

rather like Detroit in the US which is now largely abandoned by the well off and those who can. Much of it is reverting to prairie.. Maybe Milton Keynes could revert to countryside! :)

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