What are beekeepers turning out to be. You say you could name your price how disappointing. We read daily of cowboy builders. Travellers ripping old people off and now you comment. "Name your price" is this the next step for fellow beekeepers There must be someone in your local association who would do the cut out just for the bees alone
Just for the bees......
Last week in the Honey capital of old Kernow... Kelliwick ( Still holds an annual Honey Fair) I had a call to look at some bees that had been happily living in a cavity wall of a 90's built house for several years.
An overflow pipe had been removed from a bathroom, and not being blocked in allowed access to the bees just above head height... I looked at them last year and advised to leave them to it as not causing a problem.... and the owners did not want me to foam 'em in and kill them.
The colony had grown and the passage between the houses was filling with bees, coming and going quite a lot... and frightening children, old women and horses!
The neighbors were now in dispute... the chap who owned the house was not particularly bothered... the family next door wanted him to call in the
Pesties and have them all killed to death...
I took a builder and beekeeper with me to have a look... quite a crown gathered, and we had what I can only call a sticky moment.
Most wanted the owner of the house to call in the "Council" to kill the bees...
until another neighbor stepped forward and said can they be saved? ... and offered £30 towards the cost... builder friend said it would cost at least £100 to cut out .. plus the cost of scaffolding......
Now this is what I call crowd funding... in moments others were dipping in their pockets... one little girl donated all her pocket money!
To cut a long story short the blocks ( Cornish granite) facing the wall took a day to cut out to provide a hole big enough to remove the old comb and get a bee vac in to remove the "swarm"... I should say colony.
Could not find queen ... left catch box open and all the bees had gone back into the cavity by the next morning... more vacuuming.. and around 4.0PM ( I has started at 7.00 AM) I was about to give up as the bees seemed to be moving up and out of reach.....
The Biggest, most Beautiful Black shiny coal black queen was plucked gently from the wall in front of me, and placed into a polly nuc with the qe closed.
By now even the local PSCO was attending for crowd controll....
I have her I shouted...
What do you have?
The queen !
Hoorah Hoorah Hoorah!!!!
( Twas like the Crying of the Neck an old Cornish custom still celebrates as the last sheaf of corn is cut at harvest time.. in Rilla.. just outside old Kelliwick)
I now have a very nice colony of Cornish Amm.
But the story does not end here... poor builder chap had difficulties in getting the block back in in order... fortunately I had taken photos of the wall!
Yeghes da