2013 Housemartin Survey

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Drone Bee
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 Cedar + 5 Poly
Normally we have at least 5 'martin nests occupied on our bungalow but this year we haven't seen a single bird yet.
Have any Housemartins returned where you are?

funny that i was saying yesterday that i havent seen many... we usually have up to 20 nests here and next doors but as of today only 2 nests
seen swallows at gyps house two weeks ago no house martins but seen yesterday two swifts high in the sky over blaby leicester
Swallows nested under eaves last year but no sign this.
Plenty of house martins and swallows flying over the fields in the rain as I type.
Martins come first then swallows.
I've seen swifts in Lampeter and there were lots in Ross on Wye three days ago
'Our' swallows returned about 4 weeks ago and are nesting in one of our ex-chicken sheds.
They used to nest in the litter areas when we kept layers and got really upset when we let the birds out in the morning, now they have all the space to themselves with no disturbance. We got lots of flack from the dozens of auditors about wild birds being in the chicken houses but we figured that as soon as the chicken went outside they would meet all the wild birds anyway so we ignored them. The only problem was at bird change time, we had to pressure wash around the swallow nests, not good for bio-security but what the hell they deserve to live.

Swallows: yes.
Not seen any House Martins.
A few swallows arrived here but not one housemartin. They were her in abundance last year far outnumbering the swallows and we had nests on both ends of the house. We have got a pair of swifts though and we have never had them here before.
I think Norman Cook has been spotted in Brighton recently. But then he overwinters there as well so not surprising really.
We have four nests, they were a bit late arriving, but are now here in force - about 40-50 birds working a short length of hedge after a shower last week, wonderful to watch...
We have four nests, they were a bit late arriving, but are now here in force - about 40-50 birds working a short length of hedge after a shower last week, wonderful to watch...

Do they always have a shower before working?
We've only seen 1 pair but 3 of the 5 ceramic nests have some mud reducing the entrance hole.

With a bit of luck they can rear 2 broods this year without a house rebuild in the middle.

The upside is that the sparrows have not tried to take over the empty nests, maybe the entrance/ location is not good for them.

Normally they take over half built nests and evict the 'martins.


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