Your oldest queen?

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Drone Bee
Jun 8, 2020
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It's our fourth year of beekeeping. We don't seem to have been able to keep our queens for more than a year, going into the second spring they seem to supercede!!! Just wondering what is the longest time you've kept a queen? I have heard some Beekeepers change their queens yearly?
I may have one 2021 queen left, a few yellow queens still going like trains. Thing is, when you use Demaree as your main type of swarm avoidance you tend to wear out the queen a bit quicker and they supersede her the following year
I may have one 2021 queen left, a few yellow queens still going like trains. Thing is, when you use Demaree as your main type of swarm avoidance you tend to wear out the queen a bit quicker and they supersede her the following year
Yes, I can't seem to get a queen to do more than 2 years as I use the demaree and always have them laying like clappers!
Quite difficult for me to be selective and choose any breeder queen!
My bees are currently superseding their 4 year old queen. She is still laying, but slow. Was doing well last season

Yes, 4 years old when superseded is my best. Strong until the end. A prime swarm I took in from a friend's apiary. Her daughters are 3 and 2. Both still going strong (I hope).
I have a few 2021 cardigan bay honey queens still going and one of John Getty queens from 21 some of the above are nuced queens.
I like others use demaree or double brood but keep the queen in the bottom box with a qx between.
I did have a 2020 queen last season but they swarmed and then failed to replace her swarmed queen was then superseded because she wasn’t mated well
Five years, she was an absolutly fantastic queen in all respects.
Fabulous brood pattern, prolific layer often on 20+ full frames of brood, lovely calm bees, great nectar gatherers.

Really sad when she passed, but her ancestors live on.
It's our fourth year of beekeeping. We don't seem to have been able to keep our queens for more than a year, going into the second spring they seem to supercede!!! Just wondering what is the longest time you've kept a queen? I have heard some Beekeepers change their queens yearly?

In 60 years beekeeping my oldest queen has been 2 productive years. Mostly I have changed every year.
Many beekeepers that claim to have very old queens also don't tend to mark queens so can't really prove it! The oldest queen I ever had reached her 4th season. She was used as a breeder queen spending her 3rd and 4th season in a nucleus hive
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