Wrong end of the alphabet

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The happy coda to this sad tale is that I've been offered colonies by two members of my local association. Feeling choked...

I am sure we all go through that experience and probably more than once. I brought two colonies through the winter and then new brood and both queens laying and bees gorging on pollen etc. Then come May both queenless. Where had they gone?!

Re-queened and what with a new swarm and successful splits now back up to 5. Will they all get through the winter? Not sure. One is taking down syrup like there's no tomorrow. Another colony just isn't interested, but fingers crossed.

You do your best but bees don't always behave as you would expect. If you only have a couple of hives then if you lose one it's a tragedy. If you have 20+ hives one lost colony isn't such a big deal. Just remember than colony losses especially over winter are a fact of life.