There’s a few issues going on with beginners atm. Courses are often run by people with spare time, often the very same that run associations. Now I’m not suggesting all are bad, but it doesn’t mean there the most appropriate. People are free to buy bees regardless of attending course or it’s quality. I think there’s been plenty of examples appearing here and other sites. Some nowadays also have a total disconnect with any sort of livestock/animals and little idea of the work or responsibility. Last year I met a flow hive owner through a friend. I asked what management they did. The response was they let the bees get on with it but they said they had 5 swarms last season.
Go figure!!! I also got a txt and picture last week of another swarm through the mutual friend asking if I knew any who would buy it
I really can’t see this situation improving rapidly. Now if I needed a couple of frames of bees there’s friends I’d ask, probably wouldn’t consider asking a bunch on the internet I’ve never met before. Maybe I’m just old fashioned!