Thanks both and very helpful .
BF - Regards moving the stores ( which is mainly ambrosia i’ve fed and uncapped with plenty of feeding to go ) i thought this would give them something to do while raining and a fast process for the bees , i think i’ll check again the weekend and what state these super stores are in and may well simply leave it in place this winter ( QE removed ) , going forward i’ll go with a deep brood frame and no super next year , the replacing of the QE come spring and moving the queen sounds simple enough , not too fussed about brood in super as honey has antibacterial properties ( I’ve read ) .
RED - Thanks for the info , this is my first hive and only setup start July ( with a Nuc purchased from BS ) , i extracted around 10 lb from the super a few weeks back ( very happy ) and placed it back on the hive for the bees to clean and also ponder/read about the next move ( also wanted the bees to have extra space as seemed rammed in the BB ) , seeing as the stores in the BB were low i started to feed them ambrosia as concerned they lacked food ( and the weather had turned ) and also start the final feed for the winter . At the same time i’ve been treating the hive with Apiguard and now on the second tray placed on the brood frames , the mite drop is low ( currently ) . I also fashioned a *porch* to stop wasps entering the hive and reduced the entrance , this has worked well .
Interesting regards condensation , the hive is a national with gabled roof with OM floor ( currently closed for the Apiguard treatment ) the crown board has two open vents , i was going to close these and leave the OM floor open for winter with no additional insulation but i guess you want the condensation on the sides of the hive rather than roof so i’ll do that , again thanks for the help .