Winter oxalic necessary if bees treated with oxalic in autumn?

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ALL research ever done shows OA drizzled colonies have slower spring build up compared to control or sublimated colonies not some all research.

What does it say about survival rates trickled vs non-trickled?
- I don't treat in winter never have.

- Never used drizzle method after reading up on it and seeing the damage it does to the bees.

- ALL research ever done shows OA drizzled colonies have slower spring build up compared to control all research.

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You won't remember when I first joined this forum Finman but I read your posts and sent you a pm about one wishing to get some advice about something you had posted, your reply was that I should read more up-to date research.
Not being stupid I followed that advice and have actually read some research. I may not have any degrees and may not fully understand it all but I get the idea.

I'm not going to get drawn into trading insults with you because then I will lose what little respect I still have for you.
You do yourself no credit with silly pictures and insults. I saw the unedited post.
You won't remember when I first joined this forum Finman but I read your posts and sent you a pm about one wishing to get some advice about something you had posted, your reply was that I should read more up-to date research.
Not being stupid I followed that advice and have actually read some research. I may not have any degrees and may not fully understand it all but I get the idea.

I'm not going to get drawn into trading insults with you because then I will lose what little respect I still have for you.
You do yourself no credit with silly pictures and insults. I saw the unedited post.

Do what you are doing if it works for you... in Finnies picture i imagine him being 4th from the left..
YI will lose what little respect I still have for you.
You do yourself no credit with silly pictures and insults. I saw the unedited post.

What you wrote, is total rubbish.... Except that point that you have never treated bees in winter.

I do not need you respect, not a bit.

Your researches:

1) that laboratory test. You invented answers yourself.
There was no spring build up test in that case

2) That is the Lasi university's famous research when the method setup was was made by guys who did not know what they are doing. Nothing spring build up tests. Final data was read after 2 weeks when about half of mites were dead.

Real reseach takes 3 seasons.

3) That research in Poland. OA was 3,2 % water spray. It was not trickling stuff. What heck they studied, I do not know.

However half of the world uses trickling. You cannot help in it. And trickling does not affect on spring build up.
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I'm learning fine thanks.

OK, I teach then

- I have trickled since year 2004. It is 14 years.

According Hivemaker I stopped learning 15 years ago. We have not even met then, but he knows everything. May The Force be with him.

- Spring build up is normal in trickled hives. Whole Scandinavia uses trickling. We have a good brood gap, and trickling once works fine. Later it was adapted second trickling after cleasing flight.

in Scandinavia trickling works so fine with that total brood gap, that we do not need all those mite control stuff what are sold in the UK.

Thymol, formic acid and trickling are basic instrument against varroa.

Guys try here every kind of new ideas, but they have not met success in treating.

I let the annual yield to tell me, how good beekeeper I am. So it has been 50 years.

*** I do not measure my life as number of mites.
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Our best beekeepers are honest men. They do not go with companies money catching with special product names, where oxalic acid price is 400 €/kg. Our markets are so small that robbers do not earn enough in this system.

We do not order acid water from Italy or from Germany.

We weigh all our own acids, sugars, waters. We buy our own balances from China. Inspectors do not come onto others' property to burn someone's hives.