Will someone tell the bees it's winter!

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Keen on the sound of these Dartington floors and intend to knock a few up this weekend. However, are there any problems in switching them with the old floors at this time of year?

I think the only thing would be the risk of disturbing the cluster (if they're clustered up that is)- they'll soon find the new entrance.
Took a good look at the two hives we have here in the garden today, both hives very busy and taking in pollen, one in particular almost every bee returning with pollen, colours go from Beige, to yellow and orange. Chris
It's not just the bees that need telling - boat's in Holyhead at the moment so I went for a walk up Holyhead mountain (well, if you can call it a mountain - I've climbed bigger coal tips!:)) and not only was the gorse blooming everywhere but so were the brambles (and Hampshire it aint!!)
I think that since the middle of November there has only been one period of more than (about) 7 concecutive days when I havent seen any bees out and about..
It's funny watching the ones in the obs hive crawling along the tube to have a look outside and then scurrying back with the opinion of "sod that, I'll try again tomorrow"
Minus 5 celcius over night in outer London, still minus 4 celscius at 8;00 so that will help to put them in cluster

going to look at a friend dead out :driving:, think it was just too small
The reason for the mild weather............. ??????????

I had planned that while it was cold and bees were all tucked away, I could move my hives a about 3 metres without too much of a problem..................

we all know what happens when the word "plan" is brought into the equation.
-6 last night here... Set cold for a while (aside from a brief mild interlude on Wednesday)...

Ben P
-6 last night here... Set cold for a while (aside from a brief mild interlude on Wednesday)...

Ben P
chilly here, too, FINALLY. First weekend for ages with no bees flying.

btw it's Protinus (as in "next" or "forthcoming") in the Virgil introduction, not Prontius!! (the latter being, presumably, a person!)

It's one of my favourites too:
“Next I’ll speak about the celestial gift of honey from the air.
(Maecenas, also give this section your regard.)
I’ll tell you in proper sequence about the greatest spectacle
of the slightest things, and of brave generals,
and a whole nation’s customs and efforts, tribes and battles.
Labour, over little: but no little glory, if favourable powers
allow, and Apollo listens to my prayer.”

(except that Apollo can remain obstinately deaf where beekeepers' prayers are concerned!!)
That would be Prontius Pirate, who washed his hands of Jesus and sailed the seven seas
btw it's Protinus (as in "next" or "forthcoming") in the Virgil introduction, not Prontius!! (the latter being, presumably, a person!)

Ah! I knew there was something not quite right in that stanza:eek:makes much more sense now :D
and sailed the seven seas

Not in those days? Not sure how many there might have been but they probably weren't all joined up in those days!!
Re the Dartington floors, apart from the 8mm opening to the brood box itself are the entrance gap measurements critical? By this I mean the 100mm from mesh to tray, if one is used, and the other horizontal and vertical parts to the entrance. I'm trying to use scrap wood up rather than go out and buy the exact measurements quoted. Wheyhe the Scots!!
Re the Dartington floors, apart from the 8mm opening to the brood box itself are the entrance gap measurements critical? By this I mean the 100mm from mesh to tray, if one is used, and the other horizontal and vertical parts to the entrance. I'm trying to use scrap wood up rather than go out and buy the exact measurements quoted. Wheyhe the Scots!!

I shouldn't think so - I have some floors with 4 inch sides and one with 3 inch sides - as the inspection trays should only be in for short periods, when they're out there will be more than enough drop to the floor - the other horizontal parts - again not really as the bottom beespace will leave them travel into the hive, if you go cold way it makes no difference at all (i think the 100mm just ensures the entrance is between two frames.So in my view the only crucial measurments are the entrance width and a match to the footprint of the hive

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