Which suit and gloves?

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Afraid Norwich is way too far, and I can't find the other one .... Could you pm me the details please?

Thank you
Ok, now completely confuzzled.

Have just spoken at length to my nearest supplier, who says they sell one all in one suit every two years, and only really sell smocks.

Not sure I'm that confident!

Can't find another supplier locally either, and these guys are about an our away. Anyone know anywhere in Herts, Bucks, Beds or South Cambs?

BB wear do mail order - free pair of gloves with each suit and (I believe0 free postage - it will be with you in days if it's from stock.
...and Sherriff ...
...and T h o r n e ...
Just to reiterate, I was looking for a local supplier so that I could go and try suits on before buying.

There aren't (m)any anywhere near to where I live it seems.

Thank you everyone who has been so helpful, really nice welcome.
Agree it's very difficult knowing which to choose. I started out with a Bee Basics jacket with round veil, which seemed to do the job...for a while. As the fabric loosened up over time little gaps began to appear, which some of my less patient charges have scampered through. Seeing bees buzzing in front of your eyes and realising they are on the wrong side of the veil is not a nice experience and it happened more than once.

Next up I went for a Modern Beekeeping jacket, again with the round hat. The fabric feels altogether more robust and the jacket is very well made indeed. I slightly regret not buying the full suit as the bees have been rather tetchy through this year -- I've had a couple of episodes where they have simply boiled out of the hive and stung me (literally) hundreds of times, although fortunately (I say this guardedly) the only stings to actually hit the mark have been around the edges of the jacket (i.e. the waist and that general area :eek:). The hat rim is a little on the large side for me, especially as my main apiary is tucked away in a derelict orchard with lots of vegetation to get snagged on, but MB didn't have a spaceman/fencer jacket. The main problem with the hat is it tends to catch the wind, although there is a way to adjust the fit.

I've been considering coupling the jacket with a boilersuit over the top, as this might solve some of the problems. As will requeening the offending colonies...

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