Ayres on the air.

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Drone Bee
May 9, 2011
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2 Cedar + 5 Poly
For those of you who are, like me, fed up with some of the carp on the forum, from 1 / some members.

BBC Radio 4 6.30 this pm. It's not appeared on I'player yet so can't post the link
but from about 50mins in, (if you don't like Pam Ayres), there is good skit on beekeeping, amusing but informative for Joe Public.

Thanks for adding the link AND correcting my time error.

I'd forgotten that it started at 6.30.

Thanks for adding the link AND correcting my time error.

I'd forgotten that it started at 6.30.

i listerned to it by chance while cooking liver and bacon for diner, but had to find it again on iplayer as missed some of it due to my my OHMO saying" see that's you ,that's you all so true"
Thanks for the link - very amusing
as media player episodes go offline after a month, here's the poem:

Bees - by Pam Ayres

I miss my lovely wife, she's gone, I've lost her that's for sure.
I'm afraid she's caught "beekeeping", and there isn't any cure.
I can hear her clattering from deep inside the shed,
carrying enormous boxes so you cannot see her head.

My wife is in the barn; I am a very lonely chap.
She's out there making frames and going tappy-tappy-tap.
I get no smile of greeting as she makes another batch.
Her mouth is full of gimpy pins, they might go down the hatch.

She talks a different language, it's all gibberish to me.
A hive is a Commercial, or a WBC.
She's fiddling with fondant, or she's placing pollen traps,
or wakes up screaming "Oh my god! It's colony collapse."

I miss our holidays, we don't do anything together,
but she took her bees camping, they went to Scotland on the heather.
Oh she cannot spend the time, bees need treating for varroa.
She's going to a conference - "Beekeeping in Samoa".

Christmas is a coming, I'm sitting in my room,
wishing that my wife would like a bottle of perfume.
I know what she prefers, they are things I can't afford,
but where to find a "Rhombus", or locate a "Snellgrove Board"?

Every time I see her I'm convinced I'm going to choke;
She is permanently trapped in an engulfing cloud of smoke.
We had apples on the branches once, that's how it used to be,
but now it's swarms of bees that are suspended up the tree.

Last night I saw a figure moving in the undergrowth.
I saw the flash of metal and I swore a mighty oath.
"A terrorist!" I cried, and leapt up brandishing the poker,
but then my wife came forward with a hive tool and a smoker.

She was once so shy and fragrant, then we cuddled and we kissed,
but that was long before my wife became an apiarist.
Now she drops her suit and doesn't care what anybody thinks,
It may be smoke, or sweatyness, but either way she stinks.

She's been extracting honey and the house looks like a slum.
She makes me wind the handle which in turn rotates the drum.
Thickly in the warming tank, we stand and watch it pour,
and our hands stick to the table and our feet stick to the floor.

But now from our endeavours, see the products, see the fruits,
summer days spent sweltering in rubber gloves and boots.
Light our golden beeswax candles, now let love and romance burst,
sipping honey by the bucket full, but have a shower first!

Poem by Pam Ayres

Just seen a brilliant poem by Pam Ayres, poet and bee keeper. If I have posted this is the wrong place, admin please move :)

I miss my lovely wife, she’s gone, I’ve lost her that’s for sure,
Bees have tampered with her brain; she is besotted, she’s a bore,
She talks a different language; it’s all gibberish to me,
With her Modified Commercial and her WBC.

She’s working in the shed, I am a very lonely chap,
She’s making up the frames, going tappy-tappy-tap,
I get no smile of greeting as she nails another batch,
Her mouth is full of gimpy pins. They might go down the hatch.

Every time I see my wife I think I’m going to choke,
She is permanently trapped in an engulfing cloud of smoke,
We’d apples on the branches once, that’s how it used to be,
Now great swarms of honey bees are swinging from the tree.

I see a stealthy creature in the dingy undergrowth!
I catch a flash of metal and I swear a mighty oath,
“A terrorist!” I cry and leap up brandishing the poker,
To see my wife emerging with a hive tool and a smoker.

My spouse was cool and fragrant; once we cuddled and we kissed,
Before she took the veil and called herself an apiarist,
She drops her suit and doesn’t care what anybody thinks,
It may be smoke or sweatiness, but either way she stinks.

I miss her company; we don’t do anything together,
She takes her bees to Scotland; they go camping in the heather,
Then, when they come back again, her one and only topic,
Is honey Caledonian and glories thixotropic.

When buying birthday presents I am overwhelmed with gloom,
She’s not a gal contented with a bottle of perfume,
Her needs are very complex. Can I find? Can I afford?
A solar wax extractor, straining tank and Snelgrove board?

Autumn is upon us; bleakly now the leaves are lost,
The hives are cosy in the cold no matter what the cost,
Varroa has been taken on with remedies assorted,
Mice are disappointed; Woody Woodpecker is thwarted.

My wife’s on the extractor and the house looks like a slum,
She makes me wind the handle which in turn rotates the drum,
Thickly in the warming tank we watch the honey pour,
With hands stuck to the table and with feet stuck to the floor.

Now from our endeavour, see the product, see the fruits,
Of summer days spent sweltering in reeking gloves and boots,
By tanks of golden honey we are richly reimbursed,
I’d give my wife a cuddle … if she had a shower first."
Yes very good, I heard her read it ont radio once.
Just love it!...I think I will have it in a frame in my Bee Shed....just to remind me that I need to factor in time for OH!
Love this poem. Found myself explaining bits to swmbo whilst we listened to it.
thanks kazmcc for posting.:thanks: :icon_204-2:
Hi Kaz,
interesting that there's quite a lot of differences between the version that you posted, and the copy above that I transcribed from Pam Aire's rendition on Radio 4.
Where did you find that version?
Hi Kaz,
interesting that there's quite a lot of differences between the version that you posted, and the copy above that I transcribed from Pam Aire's rendition on Radio 4.
Where did you find that version?

Well, you'll have to post it......please

OOOOOPS. I should read the whole thread.
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They are quite different aren't they. Both brilliant. Think I prefer the kazmcc version though.

Do you think Pam Ayres knows a beek or is just an excellent researcher?
