Queen Bee
Honey farming by R O B Manley, and Background to bee breeding by John H Atkinson.
I agree that Bees at the bottom of the Garden is to my mind pretty much a very junior beginners book and certainly not one I would be pleased to receive.
A Practical Manual of Beekeeping: How to Keep Bees and Develop Your Full Potential as an Apiarist by David Cramp. I agree with psafloyd, I have read it through and starting it again. It gives you faith in what you are doing and you can make some money from it as well. It's filled in gapes in bee keeping for me, once I've finish it again I will be looking for another book maybe more specialised on certain area's of beekeeping.
By the way had to dig out around the bee hives to let them breathe because of the depth of snow!
My favourites as a new beek
At the moment I am reading Keeping Healthy Honey Bees, David Aston - a good book