Where are the wasps?

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same up here in NE Scotland, wasps were around in May but nothing now. Also no ladybirds this year !!
In fairness, I've seen more Hornets in the last couple of years than ever. We've had Hornets in the garden for the last three years, previous thirty odd years we had none.
Likewise at the farm, plenty of Hornets there.
I feel their range might have simply increased as the weather patterns changed. I'm certainly seeing more than say ten years ago.
I put a hornet box up but the squirrels chewed the hole bigger and moved in. Next year there will be a metal plate to guard the entrance
I put a hornet box up but the squirrels chewed the hole bigger and moved in. Next year there will be a metal plate to guard the entrance
invest in a decent air rifle
I hadn’t seen any wasps until today but as I was hanging my bee jacket in the back of my van I noticed what I thought was a bee on the back of it but on closer inspection it was a wasp!
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Into a sac out of the trap and a sharp blow to the head.
That's how I do it. But it's easier said than done. Bit of a scramble getting them into the sack the first few times.

Also, you can't see their head in the sack, so I push them to the bottom of the sack with my foot, and a smash with a hammer ends it.
Unpleasant, but instant.
Saw a bumble bee for the first time in a while yesterday. Left a couple of vicious thistles for them but getting little interest.

Thinking, I haven't seen a squirrel for a few weeks now either.
Maybe someone got hungry!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: