What's for Christmas lunch?

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Jul 23, 2009
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Haven't made my mind up yet. NOT turkey. Just hubby and me on the day but millions in the days to follow.
How about you lot?
xmas lunch

we'll be shutting ourselves away from the world as per usual and having something simple whilst waiting to be disappointed by the Xmas Dr Who - maybe allowing ourselves a segment of chocolate orange each (would have been matchmakers but OH doesn't like the long ones you get nowadays). Our friends will however be sharing one of our free-range Bronze Turkeys. He doesn't know it yet!
A Bronze turkey - for the first time in years ( we usually have beef) but the local butcher has got turkey from 15 miles up the road ...so we're trying it. Mainly because we have a new supermarket in town and are trying to buy even more from the local shops!!

Mind you Drstitson - I don't think your turkey would be puffing himself up so much if he knew what was coming!!
I have yet to consult the current Lady DD, but just between us I expect to have indigestion for Christmas lunch this year, as usual!
Organic free-range turkey for our 17 cats - turbot for us:xmas-smiley-013:
"if he knew what was coming!!"

That's actually daddy pictured last year around this time.

"A Bronze turkey - for the first time in years .. we're trying it. "

are you going to try the nigella brining method? (picture big bird immersed in a fragrant aromatic bath - then getting out and doing some xmas cookery!!!)
Starters: Gin and tonic. To prevent outbreak of malaria.

Main course: Roast beef. Bottle of new hat of the Pope.

In between: more gin and tonic to prevent Dengue fever.

Sweet: Christmas pud and cream and custard. (Brandy butter is unhealthy: hi in cholesterol). Sparkling sweet German white wine.

In between: more gin and tonic: to prevent Rift Valley Fever.

Mince pies. and Christmas cake with coffee.

And finally : to prevent Yellow Fever.. gin and tonic.

Gin type: Bomaby Sapphire or Hendrick's. Schweppes tonic (not Diet!)

Warning : any alcohol content under 40% renders gin unsuitable for human consumption. It also encourages the spread of mosquitoes : the harbringer of those horrible diseases above.

Ignoring the food content, the alcoholic content of every Christmas for 20 years has been the same.I have never caught malaria, Dengue fever, Rift Valley Fever or Yellow fever despite long visits to Nigeria/South Africa.

So it works.
Gin type: Bomaby Sapphire or Hendrick's.

I love Tanqueray
My daughter is a bit of an officianado and I have to look hard to find a bottle of gin she's never tried to put in her Chrissie stocking.
This year I have Blackwoods Vintage from Lerwick. It has a little picture on the back of the label with all the herbs used..........I might buy one for myself:)
As well as supporting the prophylaxis against various tropical diseases at this time of year I'd laso like to point out for anyone worried about malnutrition that a single mr kipling mince pie has the same calories as a single cartoon of Ensure (and is a whole lot cheaper). Just don't tell your local dietician.
Well by the time we've got up and had eggs, bacon and pancakes, nobody could manage lunch as well. So we skip it and just have a goose in the evening. Followed by birthday cake as it's also teenage son's birthday.
"Followed by birthday cake as it's also teenage son's birthday."

Spoke to the OH on the occasion of her 50th on Thursday. She was excited as she'd never had a birthday in the summer before (it was 18+C and she was outside doing her animal rounds in just a strappy top).

I should note that although she has an uncle in Oz neither of us has any desire to visit that place so managing the above at home was a great present for her on a landmark birthday!!!!
We have just ordered a Goose for this year....never had it before, really looking forward to it.

Got a 10lb one for 6, or it might be 7 if the baby comes a bit early:eek:

Will keep you posted.
Warning : any alcohol content under 40% renders gin unsuitable for human consumption. It also encourages the spread of mosquitoes : the harbringer of those horrible diseases above.

So it works.


But Christmas is the one time I abstain from gin ( so I made up for it last week by polishing off the best part of a bottle of Brecon gin - if you haven't tried it you should) :eek:

I'm off duty this Christmas so,
0530 hrs, up to the chapel, stoke up the fire and light candles in readiness for the plygain (early morning service postponed nowadays until 0630 to appease the laggards)
0800 (hopefully) back home for a cup of tea or and a breakfast of roast turkey giblets after spending a bit of time using the Jeep to tow out anyone who went to chapel and ignored the request to park on the graveyard road directly behind the last car but instead said ooh, there's a nice bit of grass to put the car, it happens every year.
mid morning over to sisters to see the kids and maybe a sniff of the malt to liven things up.
1150 hrs walk to club and consume four pints of old tacklebag whilst meeting the outlaws to escort them back to our place for turkey and locally reared rib of Welsh black beef washed down with whatever wine looks dustier from the cellar - unless my brother has again sent something special up from London.
After dinner, coffee and liqeurs then take the father in law on a tour of either Western Scottish distilleries or dutch flavoured and pure Genevers (not gin) - maybe both :eek:
approximately 1900, clean up the father in law's mess (or the mess that is now the father in law), frogmarch him home and, as I'm passing the club a few more liveners before an early night in readiness for the boxing day hunt.

Nothing special really!:D
Well as usual I will be working Christmas morning, Im not complaining this year i volunteered!!:eek: However for the first time in a very long time i will not be coming home and opening the bottle of bubbly for breakfast. Me and OH went t total in Feb so first Christmas for 16 years without any booze. So will be having the smoked salmon with orange juice instead. Then pressies whilst the Home grown free ranged ross hubbard chicken, 8lb in weight is cooking away to delia smith instructions in the aga. home grown brussel sprouts, leeks and carrots. Christmas pudding is made so it will be pud with cornish clotted cream. then sit back and put the films on.
looking to forward to going to shoot a goose for the table over the next week then preparing it for day with all the trimings like tatys parsnips carots and apple all stuffed in the same tray as bird to roast along with 1 brussel (uuuggghhhh)along with all the rest of the trimings that go with it including our own homemade hedgerow jam to go with the bird all washed down with a nice bottle or 3 luvely jubly then stagger to walk the dogs to get rid of the exceesses of the afternoon and all this effort for one meal BRILLIANT day
My daughter is a bit of an officianado and I have to look hard to find a bottle of gin she's never tried to put in her Chrissie stocking.

If you can find it...Saffron Gin is something else - 1st glass awful 2nd. Mmmm
Last glass. Noooo, it can't have all gone - did it evaporate...

And before anyone asks - I didn't drink it all on the same night ;)
Adnams brewery now produce two gins (both exceptionally nice with loads of aromatics, I've also heard that a few of the whisky distillers (apart from Brecon) are now producing gin (jura i think is one)
But a good slug of Plymouth Navy strength gin (pinkers in or out) takes some beating.

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