It looks as though the build-up for spring is just getting started here in Nottinghamshire.
I noticed a few crocus and other bulbs in bloom in nearby gardens last week, although not enough for the bees to show much intrest in them. I'll be planting large swathes of Crocus sativia and Camassia quamash for future years under the orchard area.
The bees initially showed interest in a few large Forsythia shrubs 60ft from the hives for a few days, even going out in the snow for it, so I figured they must be running low on stores and gave them a helping hand. They've now found the local Blackthorn and brood rearing seems to have started up in earnest. In a week or so the pear blooms will be fully open and then there will be abundant forage all the way until the Summer dearth.
This has always been my favourite time of year, and since keeping bees I feel even more connected. It's always a privilege to watch them at work and try to understand their lives in such detail.