What's flowering as forage in your area

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Bees out flying in the brief bit of sunshine today. All kinds of stuff flowering that shouldn’t be. Hellebores are early, goat willow has catkins in bud, erigeron never stopped flowering. I’ve even seen cape daisies out.
Thought as much! They are often only on the underside, no idea why! I often see it on sycamore.

Hiding from predators, I'd imagine.

We have loads of sycamore and a memory I will always treasure is lying on the ground underneath some with my daughter whilst swallows were stuffing themselves on the aphids flying between the leaves. As long as we stayed still the birds didn't care about our presence and often flew past within a few inches of our faces, darting back and forth below the canopy of leaves. It was an absolutely amazing thing to be able to do.

I thought stomata were for transpiration. Do plants not lose water through them? Might aphids therefore have easier access that way?
Bees out flying in the brief bit of sunshine today. All kinds of stuff flowering that shouldn’t be. Hellebores are early, goat willow has catkins in bud, erigeron never stopped flowering. I’ve even seen cape daisies out.
and on the theme of everything being confused, I found these on the morning dog walk:
The bramble and laurel were just odd flowers, but the hawthorn was covered in mature buds with some already out. As far I could see it was just the one very confused tree though.

Fatsia is also flowering at the moment, though the season's correct for that.

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