I'm finding this discussion fascinating - the monetary value of anything is what someone's willing to pay for it - not so much about it's "real value" (whatever that may be....).
Probably the best example is "perfume", which is nowadays a few pences' cost of synthetic chemicals - and people will pay ludicrous sums by dint of the packaging and the "image" sold to us by advertising - the suggestion being that if some ghastly old munter anoints herself with said chemical weasel pee, she is suddenly transformed into Angela Jolie....... the truth being a touch different.....
So in this marketing driven society, I fear that small honey producers are missing a trick - stick your tongue firmly in your cheek, plonk your "estate agent's" hat on your head at a jaunty angle, and go for it..........
It's not "bottled in my shed" - it's "artisan honey, made with care in small batches"
It's not "hopelessly variable", but "displays nature's variance, from mixed pollen sources"
Not "couldn't be stuffed to filter it", but "raw natural honey, with all the goodness left in"
If you're a small producer, sell it as an advantage - "boutique" is a current (ghastly) buzz word for any small business producing something "different" - and almost any aspect can be sold as an advantage.......