What Lies Behind Egypt’s Problems?

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well the man has been in power for thirty years and is the head of a massively curroupt government that needs back handers just to do there daily jobs, i would be out with a rope to lynch him to, thing is whos next on the list yeman, saudi ? there s loads of small countrys out there and with the aid of the internet the small person can see the bigger picture easier
I think it'll end in tears..... an immensely complex web of interrelated problems....... an unpopular undemocratic president kept in power by the West for years - but now they're running out of oil..... Then there's the Zionists and their influence both locally and through the US, AND the fundamentalist factions eager to grab power......... Duck the flying wreckage job!
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Spent many years in the Middle East, I found that the Egyptians were one of the most tollerant people on the planet..... and one of the most friendly.............. something must be seriously wrong!
Yes oil,among many other things,exports are falling,imports rising,while the ordinary people are being screwd left right and center...now they have reached breaking point...could this happen here.
My mate is off to sharm tomorrow lol.
If it's not the Riots it will be the sharks that scare the hell out of him .
He wishes he never booked it,all privately lol
My mate is off to sharm tomorrow lol.
If it's not the Riots it will be the sharks that scare the hell out of him .
He wishes he never booked it,all privately lol

We are off to sharm in 9 weeks, I belive there are no issues at sharm, but it looks like we might not make the trip to the pyramids etc.

Sorry,meant to put it under Queen rearing....instead of in off topic chat. Admin will move it later.

PS my fav soup is Chicken and sweetcorn:smash:
well the man has been in power for thirty years and is the head of a massively curroupt government that needs back handers just to do there daily jobs, i would be out with a rope to lynch him to, thing is whos next on the list yeman, saudi ? there s loads of small countrys out there and with the aid of the internet the small person can see the bigger picture easier

It is all about the islamist extremists using social media to incite regieme change. what ever you think of Mubarret, he has had one of the most stable Islamist countries for the past 30 years...I know which side I'd be on as you need a counterbalance to the madness that is Iran and the Palestinians and Syria

I only hope for the sake of all innocent peoples in the middle east that whatever comes of it is stable, is tolerent of Israel and works for peace in the region....but I rather suspect WW3 will start there.

I think I might start digging the shelter now and make sure I keep a few bees with me to repopulate the planet with !

(and a lovely lady too, in case you were mis-reading the above!)

Apparently things came to a head when Mubarak announced that all egyptian beeks must continue to use wooden "nationals" whilst the educated liberal populace are generally in favour of converting to poly langstroths.

The big fear is that if the muslim brotherhood win in forthcoming promised election they will insist that everyone uses single jumbo brood boxes (oh and the minor point that women won't be allowed to be beeks).
North african governments seem to be going down like ninepins. I wish I didn't keep remembering a cartoon I saw at the time of the Iraq invasion. 2 Iraqis talking...

'Thank heavens this tyranny is at an end'
'Now we can exercise our new-found freedom'
'Hold free and fair elections'
'And elect a theocracy'

Does anyone else get the feeling the world's going backwards?
I think I might start digging the shelter now and make sure I keep a few bees with me to repopulate the planet with !

(and a lovely lady too, in case you were mis-reading the above!)


I have started gathering together a home emergency kit, with varrious food, medical and ppe type kit. Simple things like roles of duct tape a plastic sheet Dustmasks and respirators to a 6Kva deisel geny, + 2000L of fuel.

+ enough "fire power" to keep me safe for when the Zombies come knocking (or who ever else)

All sensible things you need anyway around the home, but all kept in a localised place, and stock maintained (for perisables) etc
When income becomes tight and the people start to run out of affordable food and fuel, then people become agitated and look for those in authority who they feel have let them down.

I agree that Egypt has been stable for many years and I believe that most of the people wish for that to continue, but unrest gives a foothold for radicals that want to change things significantly.

I understand that there was also unrest in Jordan and government change recently too.

I read a good book last summer about Saudi Oil (can't remember the title), but the plot was that Saudi has been stating much the same sort of oil reserves for decades, but when the various papers raised at oil producers symposiums over the years are investigated, a pattern emerges. The pattern is that problems are being experienced that indicate emptying reservoirs and difficulties in extraction etc. At the same time the amount of direct and indirect oil usage per capita of the increasingly large Saudi population has increased probably a hundred fold. this is a significant annual amount required to maintain the standard that the population now aspires to.

The fact is several fold. The reserves are being mis-stated, because to admit that the reserves are becoming seriously depleted would lessen the influence of the realm in the world, and so the myth is propagated and accepted by the planners.

The planners having accepted the figures are doing squat to plan for an oil supply crash, which will inevitable happen, about the same time as the myth can't be supported or believed any longer. Fuel prices will go through the roof spectacularly - you ain't seen anything yet - the local populace will suffer hardship and unrest will follow. The global influence will diminish sharply amid accusations of lying for many years about the state of the oil supply. The region will become destabilised and bad things will start to happen.

Meanwhile in the West we will be in a pile of doodoo because we too will be suffering hardship as fuel and food prices rise dramatically and we start to suffer hardship too. Industry will cease to function and JimBeekeeper will go to ground with is bees and a bevy of nubile young ladies in a futile but entertainingly distracting bid to repopulate the world. The nubile young ladies will be out in their beesuits all day tending the bees while Jim works out a rota system for walking the dog. :party:

Back to reality, the future is going to be interesting on the back of insufficient planning for a no oil economy.
What ever you think of Mubarret, he has had one of the most stable Islamist countries for the past 30 years
Yes, running his country as a despotic ruler with a corrupt and violent police force and hated and feared secret police.

Just like Iran, Syria, or any other power, but he's been on 'our side'.

So did Saddam Hussein, if you remember, as a foil for Iran.
And Iran was pro Western until the Shah was deposed because the people go fed up with his corruption.

The wheel of fortune turns and where it will stop nobody knows. I think that Israel is looking over it's shoulder a little bit more tonight than it was a few weeks ago.
"I think that Israel is looking over it's shoulder a little bit more tonight than it was a few weeks ago" - and the loony fringe teaparty christian fundamentalists in the US will be cheering at that (Google "the rapture", and be very afraid......) :Angel_anim:
"I think that Israel is looking over it's shoulder a little bit more tonight than it was a few weeks ago" - and the loony fringe teaparty christian fundamentalists in the US will be cheering at that (Google "the rapture", and be very afraid......) :Angel_anim:

As I was saying...'Does anyone else get the feeling the world's going backwards?'
Egypt - Tolerant?

Egypt tolerant? Really? I wonder if the Coptic Christians would agree. And those that talk of removing a dictator, all I'll say is 'The King is dead, long live the king'.

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