Appreciate the idea.
I had considered stretching the J cloth over the top of the receiving vessel (an old loaf tin), but was not sure how I would secure it, so that's a good tip, thanks
In the event, I used some old tights *, which are stretched over the tin.
As you can see, I'm using the J-cloth higher up the rig, wrapped around some varroa mesh. I know they filter well, but the absorbency of the J-cloth, and the effect of capillary action means that some wax gets retained in the material **, so I'm on a journey of trial and error to see what works best.
Step one is just ensuring it gets up to temperature, and the wax melts!
(* Not mine

, and I had originally been saving these for 'pouches' to put my internal hive monitor in - but quickly discovered that the bees like to chew them to bits
** Make great firelighters, though!!)