What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Right when catkins opened.. tho cold spel came.. Just few bees to stretch their legs.. Was sunny, but playing around zero C in shade.. Next couple days they say some possibility of snow, sun, clouds.. So they can't mistake in prognosis..
Any bees on them, Goran? I've yet to see a single bee on hazel in twelve years.
The warm weather rushed them to open, and when they opened cold weather prevent them to exploit it .. About a week will last and will see after that.
When is nice weather landing boards are " painted" in yellow with hazel pollen.
Lovely sunny day but too cold for flying. Hefted the hives. Still all heavy except the Warre which got some fondant. Hefting the long hive is unreliable, so took roof off. A good cluster right under the clear crown board with plenty of stores nearby
A sunny day at last! Hefted and checked fondant. Good healthy sized clusters seen under the insulation. Cut back a great mass of brambles to let some sunlight fall onto a hive. Discovered an apple tree underneath. My landlady doesn’t garden!
Too cold for bees to be out but warm enough for me to continue my project of addingA2B6922C-AE8D-48F7-853B-223C6622781A.jpeg39EB40D0-6EF7-4BAC-AA02-6BF6687D2C19.jpeg more winter and spring forage in the garden. Was bought two nice big pots for my birthday so have planted these with winter box.
Popped my beekeeping suit on to check the fondant in a nuc, and realised I still hadn't washed it after a gardening job a couple of months ago. There's a climbing rose on the fence behind a couple of my hives, so I'd worn it when I'd had to cut back the rose and retrain it on a new bigger bit of trellis. My suit ended up practically green from the algae on the fence - but at least I didn't get stung clambering over the hives.
Once I'd checked the nuc today I was quite pleased with myself for finally remembering to put the suit in the wash... until I heard the banging noise coming from the washing machine, which reminded me that I'd put my phone in the top pocket... and had forgotten to take it out before putting it in the wash 😲:oops: Doh!!
Ah. I remember you talking about them last year. You posted some photos. We call them Eucryphia here in the U.K. I have one in the garden. Beautiful flowers