Ahhhhhh today wasn't my favourite inspection...
To start with, my dislike of wasps is increasing. The other day I accompanied my neighbour in applying ant powder to a wasp nest in their soil. They've been wiped out but I still have wasps sniffing around my hives. Not surprising as I'd imagine there are a few nearby nests.
In order of inspection:
Colony 3 - Big swarm colony is being renamed evil swarm colony. They were building so fast for a week or so but seem to have just slowed down now...
This is my largest colony. Single brood, QEx and shallow super. They're filling the super but I'm feeling that there isn't a great deal of forage nearby as they seem to be just ticking over, rather than increasing stores.
Everything seemed fine. BIAS, queen spotted. They were just tetchy. Maybe the two wasps sniffing about did that, but unfortunately my single layer of nitrile gloves earned me two stings in quick succession on the same hand, resulting in my mishandling a brood frame causing bees to take to air and increase their anger.
They didn't follow me the 4 metres to the back door where my wife handed me marigolds to put under my nitriles.
Still, they're doing well
Colony 1 - single brood Abelo poly. They're building. They accepted the queen I walked in to them when they were queenless and she is clearly loving life as she's laying really well.
Plenty of pollen, stores, bee bread and I spotted the queen
Colony 2 - 6 frame Maisies poly nuc. They're fine. Big heavy on the propolis, especially with the clear rubble sack crown board. BIAS and they're still with last year's queen. Stores etc are plenty.
Mini mating hive - looked sad. No stores. Seemed really dry. Bees didn't fancy flying. I assumed disease at first but I think they were just real hungry. I cut out all three frames and fixed them to a super frame with elastic bands. I put them in the super of angry colony 3 and took out the best frame of capped honey as a reward for my stings.
I tipped the rest of the mating nuc out and retired it to the garage.
The garden apiary was very busy but seems to have calmed now. I'm possibly requeening colony 3. Probably Abelo buckfast unless others can recommend decent alternatives that don't cost over £35.