What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Don't think for a single moment that all has not been seen...evaluated....costed....and equivalent expenditure already planned.....God...glad I won't be in your shoes when you have to fess up!
Don't think for a single moment that all has not been seen...evaluated....costed....and equivalent expenditure already planned.....God...glad I won't be in your shoes when you have to fess up!

I've just bought her two new pairs of spectacles so there's a few brownie points in the pot but if I had to confess to EVERYTHING then I'm not sure I've got enough years left to get back into the black.

In the meantime - here's the photos of the cut out ...


It looks a whole lot less chaotic in the photos than it was in reality !

Silly bees were flying in the rain a couple of hours ago .. lovely to see the spiralling familiarisation flights though. Gave them a bit of 1:1 and let the queen out of the cage - she was fine and just ran down onto the frames. I couldn't find the queen cages I bought last year and so she had to be contained in one of those queen killer contraptions but she doesn't seem to have come to any harm. With about 3.5 frames of capped brood in the Nuc there should be a fair few bees in a week or so - I can't think that a compost bin was the best place for them.
Looks great pargyle, nice and easy. Have you done a cut out before? I haven't. Haven't even collected a swarm yet! Both on my list of things I MUST do!
Scary day with the colonies today
Started out well. Checked on Hive 1 which I added a new queen to on tuesday. She's still in te cage but almost out so will leave them too it.

Hive two. Jam packed with bees. Never seen so many. Was able to use my news toy to locate eggs ([ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Quality-Illuminated-Magnifying-Pocket-Magnifier/dp/B005CMKU60/ref=sr_1_25?s=officeproduct&ie=UTF8&qid=1436655372%20&sr=1-25&keywords=magnifying"]Illuminated Magnifying Glass Pocket Magnifier [/ame]) Thanks to wessexmario for the hint. Looking at a frame i could only see sealed brood. Viewing through the magnifier, wow, eggs galore!

Hive 3, My test frame of eggs has not revealed any queen cells but they are very aggressive. I was going to put a frame of eggs in from Hive 2 but decided against it as it was not fun. The suit is covered in stings. If there are less than 200 i'd be surprised. Took 20 minutes to get all the bees of me to get back in the house.
I'll have another look at them next week then I'll maybe get a new queen.
Looks great pargyle, nice and easy. Have you done a cut out before? I haven't. Haven't even collected a swarm yet! Both on my list of things I MUST do!

My first solo cut out ... collected a few swarms and assisted whilst another beek did a cut out in a conservatory roof. That was very messy with runny honey everywhere .. we were both covered in honey and bees trying to clean it up. I was rather dreading what I would find as I knew they had been in there for some time. The fact that there had been a comb collapse obviously helped as it looks as though the space they had available was being used mainly for brood and not stores.

TBH I was rather grateful that there was not a lot of honey in there .. what little there was was in the top of the combs underneath the composter lid and stayed there when I cut the combs off. I left the remains of the combs in the bin lid on the ground in front of the hive when I had finished and over the afternoon they cleared every scrap of honey out of the comb.. When I went back to collect them in the evening there was not a drop of honey left .. amazing how quickly they can clean up when they need to.

Pretty easy job as you say. Good one to start on as very confidence building.
I'd put a frame with eggs from hive 2 into hive 3.
it sometimes takes 2 or 3 attempts for them to draw emergency queen cells.
I'd put a frame with eggs from hive 2 into hive 3.
it sometimes takes 2 or 3 attempts for them to draw emergency queen cells.
Thanks, The was my plan but it was too chaotic today. I'll give it another go next week.

As a newbie I'm not sure how late in the year I can leave it before I've left it too late.
Any idea when (roughly) would be the latest in the year to try moving frames of eggs with a hope of them drawing queen cells versus buying a mated queen?
My first solo cut out ... collected a few swarms and assisted whilst another beek did a cut out in a conservatory roof. That was very messy with runny honey everywhere .. we were both covered in honey and bees trying to clean it up. I was rather dreading what I would find as I knew they had been in there for some time. The fact that there had been a comb collapse obviously helped as it looks as though the space they had available was being used mainly for brood and not stores.

TBH I was rather grateful that there was not a lot of honey in there .. what little there was was in the top of the combs underneath the composter lid and stayed there when I cut the combs off. I left the remains of the combs in the bin lid on the ground in front of the hive when I had finished and over the afternoon they cleared every scrap of honey out of the comb.. When I went back to collect them in the evening there was not a drop of honey left .. amazing how quickly they can clean up when they need to.

Pretty easy job as you say. Good one to start on as very confidence building.

It looks like a really good job!.....you will be a rival for JPthebeeman soon!
I bet the people at the house were fascinated too.
I hope...for your sake....that SWMBO...doesn't think to take a look at the Forum....or you are definitely sunk!
I don't think I would be brave enough yet to do that. Handling different bees from your own is strange. I feel comfortable with my own...but a bit on edge when working in someone else's hive.
It looks like a really good job!.....you will be a rival for JPthebeeman soon!
I bet the people at the house were fascinated too.
I hope...for your sake....that SWMBO...doesn't think to take a look at the Forum....or you are definitely sunk!
I don't think I would be brave enough yet to do that. Handling different bees from your own is strange. I feel comfortable with my own...but a bit on edge when working in someone else's hive.

I was a bit apprehensive when I pulled the lid off the bin as it was pretty firmly stuck .. there was comb and propolis gluing the lid to the bin - needed a bit of force and I could hear the 'roar' - I wasn't sure what sort of bees they were going to be but I had my full suit underneath and jacket on top plus marigolds and a pair of nitriles so I felt pretty bomb proof - but it's no fun when a whole colony is trying to kill you so I was very grateful that they were very easy going.

The people who's garden they were in met me at Open Farm Sunday on 7th June and told me that they had bees in the bin but weren't worried as they weren't affecting anyone. They are really bee friendly people .. loads of pollinator plants in the garden and bee houses of various types all over the place. Their little boy has already decided that he wants to keep bees .. they were all watching from the patio doors which were only a few feet away. Very relaxed about the whole business.

The main reason they called was that they had found a couple of hundred dead bees on the ground immediately outside the bin the day before .. there had been a really heavy thunderstorm and the hive entrance was just two 5mm holes in the side of the bin .. I suspect that the dead ones were caught out in the rain as there's no sign of any disease. They decided that it was probably better for them to be in a proper hive although they were really sad to see them go. Got a lovely email from them with the photos.
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been thru the bees today, very little stores in brood chamber , unswarmed colonies that filled supers a week ago have constricted and started using stores in supers. this for me is a crap season, very little coming in an chucking it down as I type
checked some hives/ added supers to 7.. there bringing nectar in by the bucket load.. hope the borage stays for a few more weeks
My first solo cut out ... collected a few swarms and assisted whilst another beek did a cut out in a conservatory roof. That was very messy with runny honey everywhere .. we were both covered in honey and bees trying to clean it up. I was rather dreading what I would find as I knew they had been in there for some time. The fact that there had been a comb collapse obviously helped as it looks as though the space they had available was being used mainly for brood and not stores.

I did wonder how you remained so clean lol, the cut outs I've seen (on vids) are very sticky affairs.

Good job! What a great one to start your cut out career on ;)
Did nothing today with them, even though I usually check on the girls on a Sunday. Crap weather .. rain all day. Not nice.
Whizzed out when there was a break in the rain today. Put feeders in a nuc and a hived Nuc. Since it is so awful...no chance of inspecting so still don't know if the queen in the nuc is laying yet......hope to find out soon but the weather forecast is bad for all the coming week. Discovered the weak nuc had been robbed out by wasps! Sad but nature does its thing. Will have to clean up when weather improves but in the meantime...closed up the hive.😢
On the up side.....the pink nuc was full of bees on 5 seams. They were eager for the syrup....scrambling into the feeder as soon as I got it on.
Then it started raining again. I hope to find a break tomorrow to feed the other 2 hived nucs.
Just been out to check they are all in bed .. steady drizzle and they are all still sitting out on the veranda ... silly bees !

Topped up the nuc size feeder with 1:1 in the cut out Nuc - they had 500ml this morning and had emptied the feeder. Gave them another 500ml and will have another look in the morning ... hopefully they are using it to glue the tied in comb into the frames. Can't see into the hive as this is the only one I have without a clear crownboard - must do something about that.
Big drumroll please....... Yesterday I extracted my first honey. Quite a bit consisted of broodbox sized frames full of honey taken off Meangreens hive 3 weeks ago when it was cut down in its prime and made into 3 hives. Also some rose size frames and about 8 super sized frames from my 2 garden hives The actual weight has not been adjudicated yet as the bucket is too heavy to lift. As its a 60 kg bucket (88lbs) and more than three quarters full I'm guessing I have 60 lbs. will have to jar it up and count the jars. I'm very surprised, considering in April I had only one hive then added one bought in nuc from Pete I had no drawn frames so all done from foundation. As soon as there is a break in the rain I will give the bees back the combs to refill. Was very impressed with my new extractor - as recommended by Dexter - just the job for large frames.

And that was just the frames I picked off last week- there are still 5 supers sitting on the hives that weren't quite ready to take last week.

Yes Tremyfro, it tasted divine and I have a jar ready for you :)
Just been out to check they are all in bed .. steady drizzle and they are all still sitting out on the veranda ... silly bees !

Topped up the nuc size feeder with 1:1 in the cut out Nuc - they had 500ml this morning and had emptied the feeder. Gave them another 500ml and will have another look in the morning ... hopefully they are using it to glue the tied in comb into the frames. Can't see into the hive as this is the only one I have without a clear crownboard - must do something about that.
Well done Pargyle

Don't forget to update your profile to 'six hive owner'