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. The human race is never happy with its ..... They keep things simple

In India the range of poor is day earnings 50 cents/day. One third is under that range. One third of homes have not electricity. They know, how to keep things simple.

I agree, that butterfly race is much more happier than human race. They can dance the whole day and night, and even whole their life.
the range of poor

What a rubbish statement. Shirley, you mean 'average' not 'range'. You also only refer to 'poor', so you are ignoring those that are not 'poor'? What a rediculous way to distort statistics.

Of course, the poorest (most poor ) will have a much smaller range, a much smaller average - probably close to zero. But a 'neutral' way of life where one grows what one eats is not necessarily that bad! It is the greedy capitalists among us that take more than they need from the planet.
Originally Posted by Finman View Post
I have bought some properties from moon,
I think there's quite a few beekeepers up there going by some of the posts on here

He means that chap who marries thousands of couples at once?

Yeghes da
In India the range of poor is day earnings 50 cents/day. One third is under that range. One third of homes have not electricity. They know, how to keep things simple.

They have no bloody choice do they!? where I was in Lesotho most earned less than a dollar a day (a lot less) were they happy? well, I suppose if you call scraping around for each meal, unable to afford medical care, new clothing, fuel for heating and cooking, electricity (even though it was available there in most places) Happy then yes, they were happy.
Another ridiculous statement from the ice cave methinks
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They have no bloody choice do they!? where I was in Lesotho most earned less than a dollar a day (a lot less) were they happy? well, I suppose if you call scraping around for each meal, unable to afford medical care, new clothing, fuel for heating and cooking, electricity (even though it was available there in most places) Happy then yes, they were happy.
Another ridiculos statement from the ice cave methinks

I agree JBM
Could not add to that!

Yeghes da
Does that mean theres going to be the first" Beekeeping forum wedding" can you imagine the guest list!!:paparazzi:
Now Jenkins, are you interested in my Last Will?

If you marry money, you will earn it along time. I promise.
Weighed the hives.
Stores starting to go down significantly
Roll on Spring........
Yep. The whole week is gonna be very mild here, in Sligo, with temps over 8`C almost each day up untill the end of the next weekend. If stores will go down noticeably, It means that brood rearing is going well, as it`s a brood that consumes majority of stores. So I`ll be only happy. And I do not worry for the stores, as all my colonies had full langstroth BB of stores each (except the dummy board itself…:) But that`s how I got almost full BB of spare stores in my shed, substituting store frame with the dummy :) ) , on top of the BB with empty combs or foundation or little stores. And even if a cold snap will get back, I`m pretty sure my system is able to provide enough defense to the brood. Thus, my colonies have a good chance to get big in the middle of April, when normally a good flowering starts here, and April is often warmer than May or June in my memory. I`m planning to form some strongest hives out of the strongest colonies in the first decade of March, adding some brood frames from those colonies that will be able to leave on as nukes ;) 6-8 brood frames( capped brood preferably) per colony in March should suffice me think in the trial to catch Blackthorn, Dandelion and some Sycamore/Maples honey , just for the beginning :) if the weather permits. At the moment some colonies had sort of clinging flights; the biggest removed dead bees even, just like in spring :)
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