About a week and a half ago I gave my bees raw sugar to see what they did with it. I presumed that they would eat it and possibly store it. To encourage them to take up the sugar, I added 200 ml of honey to every 1.5 kg of sugar. It looked very encouraging when I opened up two of the hives today -- it looked like they were busy eating the sugar:
In the first hive, the sygar is underneath the plastic, and in the second hive, the sugar is on top of the plastic. The second hive had just as much sugar as the first hive (about 1.5 kg of it).
However, then I checked the bottom board, and found it full of sugar, and it struck me that the sugar in the bottom board is pure white, and that only white sugar is left on the plastic of the second hive:
The buggers aren't eating the sugar. They're just sucking out the honey and dumping the sugar crystals.