Introduced my first queen today
..... which was my third!
I needed to requeen one of the colonies on the roof of Manchester Cathedral which had become aggressive - or, more accurately, highly proactively defensive! As I generally have to inspect alone - or with a volunteer from our award-winning programme for the unemployed (Volition), I was reluctant to inspect them.
It was further complicated by the fact that the lead roof is being replaced about 20 yards from the hives! So, a week ago - Wednesday morning - I got a mate to accompany me in a full inspection, to decide whether to requeen or cull (removing them from the roof isn't an option).
We decided they were salvageable and squished the queen. I went back 5 hours later to remove a second brood box - and the little beggars were waiting for me! Made my life hell while I did that and moved the box and frames off the roof. They were not happy! I was glad to get off the roof.........
......... but 10 minutes later they found the roofers and stung a couple of them!
Cost me half a dozen jars of my own honey, that did, when we went back this Wednesday to knock down the queen cells. They nearly walked off the site! (The roofers, not the bees.)
Anyhow, armed with one of Hivemaster's finest, Kaz and I went up and introduced the new queen. I feel confident that they will take to her, as Kaz gave them a real stern talking-to. Mind you, they were more subdued today.
I'll be back on Monday to remove the tab from the cage. I'll let you know....
Thanks, Kaz. Your company was well worth the tea and cake afterwards.