What did you do in the Apiary today?

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That's odd, mine is staying runnier for longer, put it down to the mainly lime nectar!
That's odd, mine is staying runnier for longer, put it down to the mainly lime nectar!

Mine has not crystalised at all, putting it down to Hawthorn and other forage plants and trees in my area which are slow to crystalise. Did think it was beginning to though, as I bottled a few jars that looked cloudy and it turned out to be pollen! Seems to stay in suspension, thought it might sink to the bottom? Worth bearing in mind crystalisation rates, when introducing ones own forage!
Put 14 x 12 ekes, plus 5 kg of fondant and a block of 50mm of Kingspan onto 3National polynucs. Mouse guards, less entrance blocks, onto two cedar 14 x 12s.

Will be putting mouse guards onto 3 Nationals at the weekend and that will be it until OA time. All nucs and hives strapped down. All we needs now are a few hard frosts and some cold, dry winter weather!
Brought in from the bee shed five old brood combs (harvested after Bailey comb exchange in summer) to use as firelighters. I don't think it's worth melting down old brood comb for the small amount of wax obtained
all of our honey crystallises rapidly probably something to do with nearly all of it being 16% water content

Depends upon what the bees are foraging on as well, glucose and frutose content.

16 to 17% moisture content is pretty average.
Cut up 50mm Ecotherm board to fit into a crownboard, then cut out a container size hole in the middle to take fondant for later in the year. Horrible job, screechy noise and flaky stuff everywhere.
Sunny day, if chilly, but watching bees busy pulling in pollen off the Bacopa- a prolific little rockery plant.
The wasps are busy on the ivy that seems to have practically finished flowering but they are feeding on the early berry - not sure what they are gaining.

But had to start a new wasp trap to protect one colony.. and it is attracting loads of bluebottles too- hateful things.
Watched bees from most hives flying back with medium-sized loads of ivy pollen. Must be the last of it. Sunshine, Temp. 7C, gentle NNW breeze. Also, one hive had a couple of drones returning.
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Back to the topic: I peeked through the clear crown board; they're STILL building brace comb (which I interpret as asking for more foundation). I guess just moving stores up from the bottom box but still...
Nothing, nothing at all, nothing to do except clear over growing scrub, cut trees and let the other land users do their thing in the early morning mist.

Fed and insulated all hives