Took a day off work with the local forecast showing sunny and 16-18c.
Went through 23 of my 28 colonies / Nuc's in terms of check stores check for laying queen, was no more than 2 - 3 minutes per brood box and only pulled 1-3 frames as required. Last check was 21/9.
19 had BIAS, 3 sealed brood only and one with no brood, but I saw the queen in this hive as I pulled a few more frames.
The poly nuc's all had noticably bigger brood areas than the cedar hives.
Saw drones in only 2 hives, the 2nd of these still had controlled patches of drone brood and 2 hatched / torn down superceedure cells. Also had eggs and plenty of BIAS, didnt look for queens, they know what they are doing so leave them to it.
Stores wise all the hives were fine and fondant will be on standby if required.
The poly nuc's were ok / lightish but not a major concern, I will add some feed though at the weekend, probably a fondant slice in the feeder section.
All bees well behaved during my short intervention into their homes.
I took 2 hives to my brothers apiary about 10 days ago where there is an abundance of Ivy, looked in the supers and one was half full, the other nearly full and mostly capped. I moved the half full super complete with bees to the busier stronger hive with the full super,put in under the near full one, with any luck I will get 2 supers of Ivy honey off in a few days...... just need to extract it then
Not overly concerned about the sealed brood only hives.
The broodless hive I will leave to sort themselves, they have a queen and she maybe having a break, she may be dud, either way we will see come spring.
'Take care girls, see you at Christmas for your oxallic and fondant treat, then look forward to working together again next year. Thanks for your hardwork and generally good temper and understanding of my efforts this year. Have a great winter.'