After the gales and downpours of rain yesterday, today the wind dropped a bit, but most importantly veered round to NE which means my hives are in the lee of the hedges

So, I was able to do a full inspection to discover 5 frames BIAS, a few frames with stores of nectar, capped honey and pollen, and a few drone cells.
No sign of queen cups or queen cells. The outermost 2 frames are just starting to be drawn out.
I took photos of the first few frames and on closer viewing on the PC I discovered I had the queen bang in the middle of the brood patch

I am very chuffed, hopefully I'll be able to see the queen in real time next time!
One muppet moment though - I have 1 frame with spacers on it (inherited from the nuc I got last year) and I have noticed, when viewing the photos, that on reassembling the hive I have pushed that frame too close to the next one (spacer slightly adrift) so the gap has closed down. Should I disturb the hive to sort out the spacing or just leave them be until next week's inspection?