What did you do in the Apiary today?

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This am moved super's from underneath brood box to above and placed QX in between as both hive's had quite a bit of nectar (assuming it was OSR as two-three days before temp was high enough for it to yield) and had drawn out most frames. Didn't examine brood box as temp was too low and didnt want to chill brood.

Weather is due to to be lower in next week & half then suddenly increase so don't want to get caught out if the OSR is still yellow, may need to add another super too but will try do a proper inspection before making that decision as they will be some crossover with old winter bees at the moment.

Also noticed as well as the OSR out 2-3 of the apple trees in the orchard are in full blossom.
I've supered two of mine,no excluder.
There was a lot of nectar being stored when I last looked in on Tuesday so they both got an empty frame.
Weather looks pants for ten days so no inspection likely.
I had thirteen frames part filled with nectar in the freezer from autumn so I split those between the boxes adding some wet drawn frames.
just watched the local council cut down a massive horseshesnut tree down next to my house it was about 1 week away from flowering grrrrr they are going to replace it with a silver birch
ti was breaking the sewers with its roots also the kids were a pain with throwing sticks after the conkers so i am glad to see it go i just wish they had took it down AFTER the flowers and the bees had finished with it lol
Planted the first line of sunflowers across the field . Cosmos has already come up .
Inspected and then demareed one of my hives today the cheeky buggers had decided to fill the hive with sealed queen cells. I got lucky with the poor weather in the last two days and must have missed the interest in queen cups last week.

Its a funny year for me so far usually I would be well on the way to a super by now but although the hives have nectar not great amounts, pollen on the other hand by the bucket loads and hives are expanding fast so not all bad and very happy.

I am expecting my TBH will be the next to decide to go its big confident and the bees are polishing the queen cups also spotted an egg in one the other day.
Nothing happened from me today, popped down to check larson trap and had a sneak peak.

Main hive was busy flying even with the wind and the split i did the other day wasn't flying but stuck my head under and could see plenty of bees on frames moving about.
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Just put some syrup on my 1 remaining ( sob) colony as the weather forecast for the next few days is pretty cold and miserable.
Inspected both colonies, and found (and marked) the queen in the second. Hurrah!
hoping for a break in the rain on sunday so I can pop some supers on some hives.
14 c and drizzle but remembering last year still opened the 2 busiest hives for their 7 day inspection .....sure enough, one of them had four loaded Q cells close to being sealed, so did AS.
Scattered bark chips on the ground around hives. Considered taking off supers due to return of winter, but decided to wait and see. Was planning to unite a weak colony with a strong one (with the supers), but too cold to do the deed. Went back indoors muttering to self.
was going to pop some supers on a few hives but the rain/temp has seen that off.