well i could not resist any more, 14c sunny ,no wind, bees active SO OFF WITH THE LIDS and Hands in
All Hives seem ok except one,
The majority of the yellow Italians on 14x12s had lots of stored pollen , at least two outer frames of mix of stored syrup and soft granulated ivy honey, nice brood clusters, eggs, larva, no dead bees on the floor so ok , scrapped the cappings off granulated ivy stores, closed up and wrote up the logs
then the Carnie on 14x12, , lots and lots of Bees ,large brood 5 frame cluster ,half a frame of young larva looked good, 3" square cluster of drone brood in a small patch of old drone comb but the older brood was a bit erratic and a few scattered single drone cells, so had to get a second opinion on that
So checked for the queen, yep still there large blue 2010 marked and fat, same july Queen as last summer year who proved very succesfull ,
well second opinion said "what a lot of Bees , doesn't look like EFB but brood lay is poor",
Me thinking could she be out laying EFB
"possibly a failing queen or just mis fire queen taking time to start or perhaps DWV as the hive had a 5000 drop or well could be cold spell chilled the brood "......or
picked a few out and the pupa, they seem ok, no deformities, so I will inspect again next week and see if the brood pattern of the half frame of larva is ok
then Washed and scrubbed gloves and hive tool in soda, just in case, and oh yes, were to get a new non carnie queen