What did you do in the Apiary today?

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the lads loved it, Paul has done some of my apiaries before when he was a newbie and Franks (his boss) asked me as a favour to take him around some serious apiaries to cut his teeth on and be put through his paces. rather than two hive backyard hobbyists.
Today was more of a treat for us rather than work - we were even treated to coffee and cream scones by Angharad at the castle when we popped in for a break and to tell them they had a broken gatepost in the woods.
Is that Paul Astin?
Is that Paul Astin?
No, Paul Davies, lives not too far from me, his kids went to school with my sister's kids, his missus works in the media industry so knows people I knew when I was acting, he was a teacher for some time then did a bit of backpacking and now has a smallholding with a small vineyard!
There are some pretty hungry bees out there. Lots of my broods have few stores, despite leaving uncapped honey in supers for the bees to move. This is the first year I’ve ever seen such a stampede for syrup in the feeders that there is a layer of dead bees at the interface.
Hefted all mine today ... all feeling a bit on the light side - they are all big colonies this year but I'd left them with stores in the brood box when I took the honey off last week and fed back the cappings drainings and some uncapped honey but there's not much in bloom at present and the Ivy is nowhere near. Gave them all a couple of litres of invert to see what they do with it ... bit early for me to be feeding them but ... needs must. Roll on the Ivy.
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National Youth theatre of Britain in Michael Croft's day (Hywel Bennet was one of his proteges and, being a family friend put in a good word for me) National Youth theatre of Wales, toured Wales with a Welsh language version of War and Peace, played the title role in 'Johnny be good', an award winning short film that was the directing debut for Mark Evans who is now a leading name in the industry
Still treading the boards?
no, I gave up years ago, apart from factual TV interviews on local affairs, history - and bees of course.
I suppose I had a kind of 'road to Damascus' moment years ago when Michael Croft offered me the part of 'Owain Glendower' in a NYT production of Henry IV in London way back when and I decided to take another path.
After the film, there was still a chance (although because of the film I missed my chance of competing against Bryn Terfel for the stage in the National Eisteddfod) but even with the backing of Hywel Bennet and His brother Alun Lewis, in those days the dreaded equity card closed shop system ruled and I decided I didn't want to have to fight for a living, I did a few things locally and competed in a few things but the job offer in Customs came along and the move to Bristol prompted me to give it all in.
Although a few years ago our training branch roped me in as a role player to put our new recruits through their paces!
Hefted all mine today ... all feeling a bit on the light side - they are all big colonies this year but I'd left them with stores in the brood box when I took the honey off last week and fed back the cappings drainings and some uncapped honey but there's not much in bloom at present and the Ivy is nowhere near. Gave them all a couple of litres of invert to see what they do with it ... bit early for me to be feeding them but ... needs must. Roll on the Ivy.
Very similar to where I am. Ivy flowers still a way off and I’ve not seen any open, yet some yellow pollen going in all hives.
Very similar to where I am. Ivy flowers still a way off and I’ve not seen any open, yet some yellow pollen going in all hives.
Yes .. Ivy here is the same - a few tight buds. Very little in blossom this week of any note around me - they are flying and some pollen coming in but not much nectar by the look of the landing board,
Seeing pollen, some ivy open, bot not convinced there will be much nectar as it's been pretty dry. Sadly I think today I'll be feeding, was hoping to avoid it this year.
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Yes .. Ivy here is the same - a few tight buds. Very little in blossom this week of any note around me - they are flying and some pollen coming in but not much nectar by the look of the landing board,
Seeing pollen, some ivy open, bot convinced there will be much nectar as it's been pretty dry. Sadly I think today I'll be feeding, was hoping to avoid it this year.
Ivy showed signs of opening yesterday and definitely open today, the 'sentinel' Ivy behind the bee shed is alive with bees and other insects and usually flowers a few days later than in other parts of the valley
Second round of treatment completed. Should be tomorrow, but work prevents me getting to them. I’ll do an additional fourth vape if required. Very heavily laden bees coming back to the hives. Entrances were very busy. Ivy in both apiaries is out. The smell was quite overpowering.
First warm day and swarm of 2024! FFS

Edit: doesn’t look to be one of mine. All queens seen but still FFS
No swarms from me this month but stores almost gone. Good weather and the massive Ivy flowering over the past few days were much needed by my colonies. Hoping I do not have to give too much winter fondant. Fingers crossed.
Got round three apiaries and about to visit a fourth. One was near a recent EFB outbreak but brood looks good. Made a nuc up, put it in the boot, got halfway home to grab some kit and realised I'd left the entrance disc open... Bees currently orientating in the drive. I'm going to be in trouble later!

Nucs fed (sadly another starved), most colonies feeling screwed down though so may dodge the mass syrup making this year. Need to order fondant though.
Second round of vaping done today, bright orange,yellow and creamy white pollen going into the hives i vaped.
Moving colony’s over the next few days.
Traveled upto north Shropshire yesterday to inspect a friends hives.

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