Put clearer boards under one super on each of three hives.
H3 - two supers with some capped honey in each, but in patches. I combined the best into one super and left it on for the bees, putting the clearer under a mainly empty super. There’s not much honey in the brood, so when the final super comes off, I’ll need to feed straight away.
H1 - two supers, one almost fully capped, one full but not capped.
H2 - one super, less than a quarter filled, part capped. This colony had a bought in queen introduced in early July as the colony was feisty. There’s very little brood and I suspect she’s a poorly mated £50 queen.

I found a single queen cell at the base of a frame, two thirds drawn out and charged with gloop, but no sign of a larva or egg. The queen was found happily pootling about on a frame of honey, not laying any eggs.
The colony has seven frames of capped honey in the brood box and next to nothing in the super. I had taken a totally empty super off a few days ago too. Altogether odd. Bees were still feisty.