What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Went to level up a couple of slabs to stand hives on ready 4 a couple of nucs in the spring and like mons ab got stung above eye was quick to get sting out. Hasnt swelled up. So put suit on and finished off
I weighed all my colonies (11) on Saturday and recorded their weights on a digital voice recorder. Today I transferred the data to my hive records and - Shock horror - found 2 of them were exactly the same as they were on 8 Jan!!:willy_nilly:

Hot foot up to my near woods site and a check of the varroa insert - Phew - a nice neat oval of debris and a healthy ZZZzzzz as I slid the board back in.

These hives have loads of gorse very close by and I can only assume that they made the most of the short warm spell and collected a kilo or so of nectar as well as pollen.
Sorry to hear that MM. There's a lot of it going around, particularly in my industry (property development).

I hope that you secure something else swiftly.

yep, i am a Charter Surveyor , i know :D but i also work for a public funded body, so double whammy

just looked in the entrance and saw activity so let them be

Then a bit of tiding up, cut a large overgrown buddleia back to make way for a new hive and stand Then cleared brambles for another two hive sites and set a couple of second-hand paving slabs in as bases , Then put up a caution bees at work sign

So all i need to do this afternoon is make up the two 14x12 brood boxes, treat two others from Tom Bick ,make ten supers ,then 60 EDN5 frames, 100 SN1, fit 200 spacers, scrap two floor and make two new floors from scratch,, oh forgot the roofs, find where i put those QE, make four dummy boards etc etc....but think i will just make instead a nice cup of TEA then walk the dog as quite depressed as i got the redundancy notice i expected this morning, it is still a shock when it comes though
I was made redundant after 42.5 years with a company 6 months before my 65th birthday! . No fuss, 10 mins to leave premises (long goodbyes slow production) redundancy pay halved as 1 months is deducted for each month over the age of 64 !nice.

Still you get over it ;).
The two wet behind the ears managers eventually got the sack,unfortunately the company went under with a 12 million pound order book ! How's that for incompetence?.
Hey ho!
Life goes on :D

John W
What goes around comes around-
Think I would have stood in front of the office window on their last day- beer in hand and smug grin on face...
It was evidently their loss.

I was driven out of an equal partnership by a bitch. Took me a long time to forgive-made me ill for a while- but I am still here having started again and progressed nicely - and when I finally went to her funeral I didn't tap dance on her coffin as I had wished to do all those years before.
We grow from experience - life, bee keeping, relationships - Learning as we go.:cheers2:
I threatened to dance on a previous managers grave!
Gave up on the idea when I discovered he was to be buried at sea :willy_nilly:

John W
Only kidding :D
Well, Yesterday I took up a new triple hive stand to my main apiary, and fed some more candy to three hives that were taking it down like mad. I think the thawing in temperatures definitely broke up the clusters, and we are going to have more cold weather on the way later this week, I hope doesn't do for our bees !!

Still, it's early yet and march is 2 months away.....let's hope it's a nice warm spring !

I stayed well away from the apiary today, best thing for the bees I think

i will just make instead a nice cup of TEA then walk the dog as quite depressed as i got the redundancy notice i expected this morning, it is still a shock when it comes though

Good luck on the job hunting front MM.

Not exactly as title but set out new apiary site cleared and secured fence along one side and off site have started to cut Willow to form living fence to enclose the site along two sides.
Went to level up a couple of slabs to stand hives on ready 4 a couple of nucs in the spring and like mons ab got stung above eye was quick to get sting out. Hasnt swelled up. So put suit on and finished off

Congratulations first sting of the year !
Today, a bit damp but had a spare few minutes.... so planted a few small trees to screen some hives...Hazel, Silver birch....last week put some Holly around another apiary....Made me feel...: Green.....
I bought a couple of Lonicera Purpusii to plant near the hives but seeing as we are moving I repotted them into bigger pots to take with us when we go :)
Had a heft, decided all was well and left alone.

Gave the garden a quick tour, some Snowdrops and Cyclamen in flower, Crocus pushing through, catkins appearing on the hazel.

My first spring with bees is on the horizon!!!

had a lovely bonfire of 36 second-hand brood frames and wax !
also gave 3 second-hand brood boxes a scorching inside.

Hefted my three hives all seems well, will check again next week. Will do nothing till then.

Dave W
Absolutely nothing. Walked through the 'cloud of flying bees' a few times yesterday, but cold and raining today. I need to get organised to plane up and thickness at least twenty metres of 140 x ~14 for some deep roofs.

It will take rather longer to do than for the likes of Tom Bick!

The battens and 6mm ply for the roofs can await cutting, for 'as and when required'.

Did B***** all apart from walk past the hives on the way to feed the chickens.

I have loads to do, hives to move, three brood boxes to build up, three floors to cut and build, three stands and three roofs the same, not to mention 100 or so frames to build.

I have to work outside under a shelter so the pre-Christmas weather scuppered things a bit, that was further exacerbated by the post Christmas flu; and now to top it all off I have had an op on my shoulder and my right arm (right handed) is now in a sling and strapped to my side for the next six weeks followed by six weeks of physio.

I may have to either learn to hammer and saw left handed or talk the better half into letting me direct her in some hive building. :D

Regards to Muswell M; I hope things work themselves out for you.
Use cramps and screws? An easier method, and likely less painful, than (trying) to use a hammer kack-handed. Wear toe-tectors! Cramps dropped from a great height can be very painful!

And another three broods could soon mean another half dozen supers!

I hope your shoulder heals quickly.

Regards, RAB

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