Treated with oxalic at long last yesterday and took a call today about bees in a compost heap. Going to investigate on Wednesday but they swear blind there are still bees there!
Wonder if Compost Bins are 'Cosy' places for Swarms to live in ?!?
Experience :
I went to collect an 'established' Swarm back in early June '23. . .
That had made a large Colony in a Compost Bin in a Sunny Position. It was full of Slaps of Comb Hanging off the Lid*. And surrounded by lots of Dry Leaves and Stems/Sticks. Folk said, they guessed, they had been in that Bin for quite a while / the Comb also supported this time scale. And kept the Colony Fed.

Found a "Marked Queen" amongst this amazing Natural Structure.
A "Yellow" Dot stated she was a "2022 Queen" that was I guess a Beekeepers pride and joy : lost to a Swarm the previous Bee Season.
This Queen and her Colony are my best 'Freebie." Just a x12 Mile trip to a Couple with a lovely 'New to Them' Home / Garden. And I got an appreciated Cuppa too !
This Queen will be a fab Resource to call upon. To Harvest Frames for a eg a Split. (See how the 'Daughter' leads her own Colony : Temprament wise.) And then do some Grafting / Cell Punching etc.
Tip** :
Our Local Authority provided 'Compost Bins' with tight Lids and Round (Rat Proof?) Slatted Circle Bases. Some Years ago. . . To most Home Owners with Gardens.
On reviewing this Swarm. We 'laid the whole Compost Bin' on its Side** !!! : So the Cavity could be Inspected in Situ. Review how to "Do the Removal" the best way. . .
Decided to Trim and Cut Comb Lower Parts done first / into Frames / using Rubber Bands.
And scooping up the Bees as we went. (Then used a Bee Vac to collect the last of the Colony.) : Watching carefully over each cut Slab taken, 'for Queen status' as we went through each piece towards the still Closed Lid / with its Comb attachedments still attached !
We were lucky enough to see a "Yellow Marked Queen" and placed her into a Queen Clip.

Rationale :
If we had "lifted the Compost Lid"
:the Comb attachment(s) would of Broken away / caused Honey to Trickle everywhere. (And Drown lots of the Bees !!!)
By careful Cutting of Comb into Sections and Framing them, piece by piece. Meant Bees had a surface to transfer to. Then be 'Lifted and Placed into a Secure "Screened Floor and Screen Covered" Double depth DIY Bee "Transport Hive." You must have good Ventilation to Transport them in a Car : Safely and Securly.
Hope this helps others. . .
Useful Phrase : re Queen Age (Yr.)
Will: (White Year ending 1 or 6)
You (Yellow* Year ending 2* or 7)
Raise (Red Year ending 3 or 8)
Good (Green Year ending 4 or 9)
Bees (Blue Year ending 5 or 0)
I also have Compost Bins. . . But to date "Incoming Swarms" find me and my Bait Hives ! Nice to watch 'someone elses' Bees think that my Location is their "New Home."