What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Checking on a few double nucs and two roofs had been blown of but thankfully the nucs were still in place and both clusters were low down and looked dry .
These nucs are in a row of 8 and have one strap over them the strap had come loose so it could of been worse .
Treated with oxalic at long last yesterday and took a call today about bees in a compost heap. Going to investigate on Wednesday but they swear blind there are still bees there!
Wonder if Compost Bins are 'Cosy' places for Swarms to live in ?!?
Experience :
I went to collect an 'established' Swarm back in early June '23. . .
That had made a large Colony in a Compost Bin in a Sunny Position. It was full of Slaps of Comb Hanging off the Lid*. And surrounded by lots of Dry Leaves and Stems/Sticks. Folk said, they guessed, they had been in that Bin for quite a while / the Comb also supported this time scale. And kept the Colony Fed. 😏
Found a "Marked Queen" amongst this amazing Natural Structure.
A "Yellow" Dot stated she was a "2022 Queen" that was I guess a Beekeepers pride and joy : lost to a Swarm the previous Bee Season.
This Queen and her Colony are my best 'Freebie." Just a x12 Mile trip to a Couple with a lovely 'New to Them' Home / Garden. And I got an appreciated Cuppa too !
This Queen will be a fab Resource to call upon. To Harvest Frames for a eg a Split. (See how the 'Daughter' leads her own Colony : Temprament wise.) And then do some Grafting / Cell Punching etc.
Tip** :
Our Local Authority provided 'Compost Bins' with tight Lids and Round (Rat Proof?) Slatted Circle Bases. Some Years ago. . . To most Home Owners with Gardens.
On reviewing this Swarm. We 'laid the whole Compost Bin' on its Side** !!! : So the Cavity could be Inspected in Situ. Review how to "Do the Removal" the best way. . .
Decided to Trim and Cut Comb Lower Parts done first / into Frames / using Rubber Bands.
And scooping up the Bees as we went. (Then used a Bee Vac to collect the last of the Colony.) : Watching carefully over each cut Slab taken, 'for Queen status' as we went through each piece towards the still Closed Lid / with its Comb attachedments still attached !
We were lucky enough to see a "Yellow Marked Queen" and placed her into a Queen Clip. 👍
Rationale :
If we had "lifted the Compost Lid"
:the Comb attachment(s) would of Broken away / caused Honey to Trickle everywhere. (And Drown lots of the Bees !!!)
By careful Cutting of Comb into Sections and Framing them, piece by piece. Meant Bees had a surface to transfer to. Then be 'Lifted and Placed into a Secure "Screened Floor and Screen Covered" Double depth DIY Bee "Transport Hive." You must have good Ventilation to Transport them in a Car : Safely and Securly.
Hope this helps others. . . 😎

Useful Phrase : re Queen Age (Yr.)
Will: (White Year ending 1 or 6)
You (Yellow* Year ending 2* or 7)
Raise (Red Year ending 3 or 8)
Good (Green Year ending 4 or 9)
Bees (Blue Year ending 5 or 0)

I also have Compost Bins. . . But to date "Incoming Swarms" find me and my Bait Hives ! Nice to watch 'someone elses' Bees think that my Location is their "New Home." 🙃
Hope this helps others. . . 😎

Useful Phrase : re Queen Age (Yr.)
Will: (White Year ending 1 or 6)
You (Yellow* Year ending 2* or 7)
Raise (Red Year ending 3 or 8)
Good (Green Year ending 4 or 9)
Bees (Blue Year ending 5 or 0)
Only if you are selling queens. A lot of us just mark with whatever we have handy. Fluorescent geeen and pink for swarms with me.
I once caught a queen that “appeared to be 4 years old. She lived for another three so that 4 was unlikely.
I once caught a queen that “appeared to be 4 years old. She lived for another three so that 4 was unlikely.
Manley reported that he'd had a queen that lasted nine seasons
Yesterday morning I rescued an apidea from the brink of starvation. Yesterday afternoon I had a dead queen outside a 5 over 5 nuc/hive. Today I combined the two.

The nuc had loads of stores and no brood, presumably been like that for a while. This has been a really busy hive, so quite a suprise. I guess the lack of brood meant the bees could have a looser cluster and maybe producing less moisture in the hive so more trips to get water?

I removed the top box and combined with newspaper. Added lots of insulation as it's freezing tonight.

The top box was put to the side and stood on its small end while I very quickly inspected. Somehow - and I'm still trying to work out how - I managed to pick the box up upside down. The propolis lasted a few seconds before gravity won. 5 frames full of crystallised ivy honey landed on my feet.
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Yesterday morning I rescued an apidea from the brink of starvation. Yesterday afternoon I had a dead queen outside a 5 over 5 nuc/hive. Today I combined the two.

The nuc had loads of stores and no brood, presumably been like that for a while. This has been a really busy hive, so quite a suprise. I guess the lack of brood meant the bees could have a looser cluster and maybe producing less moisture in the hive so more trips to get water?

I removed the top box and combined with newspaper. Added lots of insulation as it's freezing tonight.

The top box was put to the side and stood on its small end while I very quickly inspected. Somehow - and I'm still trying to work out how - I managed to pick the box up upside down. The propolis lasted a few seconds before gravity won. 5 frames full of crystallised ivy honey landed on my feet.
Presumably a substantial hematoma at the least?
I've replaced a box upside down on a hive without realising 'till the next inspection...the handles in my case could be used either way. That's my excuse anyhow :oops:
Only if you are selling queens. A lot of us just mark with whatever we have handy. Fluorescent geeen and pink for swarms with me.
I once caught a queen that “appeared to be 4 years old. She lived for another three so that 4 was unlikely.

Long lived "Queen". Amazing. . .😄

Yes, also use Bright easy to
View Colours other than above
too. My choice is a vibrant Neon Purple (on Swarms / or Queens unknown.) They are easy to see. 😏

Just suggesting the bove 'Acronym' [WYRGB] is useful for Beginner Beeks asking which Posca Pen / or Marker Colour to use. . . Or choose not to use. . . 🙄
But each to their own. . .

Enjoy using you "Green & Pink" 🆔️ when the Bee Season starts up for 2024. . .

I appreciated the 'former Beek' who must of marked that incoming "Swarm Queen" (Yellow) gave me a Plan to where to put them. (Younger) Queens should build up a decent Colony. While an 'older' one might be on her way out (?) 😕 Better to add to a Smaller Hive eg into say a Double Nuc : to aid an easy Inspection. If Supercedure / or 'Failing' !?! . . .
Its easier to "Do" something when you don't have to deal with a Heavy stack of Hive Boxes. . . 🤞

Hope everybody's Bees are well ! (Feed and Protected from this Freezing Temps.)
And us Beek enjoy but don't have to much Snow. ❄️ Brrr. . . 😉
Presumably a substantial hematoma at the least?
I've replaced a box upside down on a hive without realising 'till the next inspection...the handles in my case could be used either way. That's my excuse anyhow :oops:
My foot has been hurting today although I hadn't made the connection. I'm grateful to hear that I'm not the only one to do the upside down thing!
Today -3c at 15:00 at my most sheltered apiary in the middle of town. Milder at +6c by Sunday. Despite our location we don’t often get prolonged snow or extreme cold due to the moderating sea around us. Shetland just a bit to the north of us always seems to be worse. Our winters tend to be very cool, damp and with a high windchill.


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Our farm sits in the shadow of Blencathra in the Lake District, we had 4 inches of snowfall today and are expecting
-7* tonight. I’m pleased the hives are well insulated and fondant was topped up last Friday. So gonna :chillpill: and build a :xmas-smiley-010:
Last night new light snow fallen, allready gone. We are on temperature rollercoaster. Next few days temp will go around 15C and again on Friday minus temps. Tomorrow bees probably will increase flights. We made couple batches of fondants and time passed fast when company is right..


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Last night new light snow fallen, allready gone. We are on temperature rollercoaster. Next few days temp will go around 15C and again on Friday minus temps. Tomorrow bees probably will increase flights. We made couple batches of fondants and time passed fast when company is right..
Nice contrast to here at the moment Goran!

Very dry and dearthy.


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