well inspected my Baileys, 10 days after doing them ( clipped Queens) to check if the queen had moved up
says it all
The first bailey
This 10 days ago was a strong 2011 Greek buckfast on 9 frames of brood was now on 18 frames of brood over two boxes with queen still in bottom box, perfect text book brood almost a foot in diameter on the frames ,eggs larva, just one polished frame.left in bottom box..................
and 25 capped Queen cells, six charged over two 14x12 boxes...
so AS split it and moved brood ,might do more tomorrow to a weak association hive
The rest....did not get that much better.........even though a mix of various 2011 queens and nowhere near OSR.
Now I am running out of roofs and brood boxes even though i treated some to demarees to conserve roofs and floors.....and is only the second week in April (I hold 60% hive bits more than colonies), already been to the garden centre to get some plastic potting trays as emergency roofs
Then going to look at an overwintering Nuc that i had put into a fiull hive at an out apiary , i found the 14x12 Nuc of foundation that i left inadvertently open on Saturday ...had hundreds of black feral scout honeybees around it.
..and to think i took up beekeeping as a relaxing pastime when the Doctor said do something tranquil and lower your blood pressure, you are too stressed at work