Went to the Association apiary today and selected my colony - lovely and calm with a bit of expansion to do just yet, but a nice healthy looking queen with plenty of BIAS across the frames in the nuc.
Came home and, following the advice of an experienced local beekeeper, set up my hive site. This is in readiness for when I bring my girls home once they are ready.
Here are some pics of my hive site, the hive will face the fence and is placed about 7-8 feet from it, so the bees should fly up and over the fence and hedge and away. Excuse the mess, but we're in the process of sorting that little area out so that it's ready for when the girls come home.
I'll be moving the fruit cage left by a few feet to give some more space and i'll also be swapping the door to the other end. I may also bring the plastic pallets back by about a foot (not sure yet). I'll also be putting a 6' high net across the rear of that area to keep the dog, grandchildren and holiday let guests out!

I realise that the hive isn't set up correctly, this is just me storing it in-situ until i'm ready to set it up properly when the colony is bought home.
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You could usefully move your hive even closer to the back fence. The place you need space is behind the hive for when you are inspecting. In front is dead space because you are in the flight path.
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