Decided to preempt swarming preps and split my big hive (on double brood boxes) into two and leave the incumbent queen in one and let the ‘new’ hive raise a new queen.
All was going well, I surprised myself by finding the queen who I haven’t been able to spot since the start of the season as her white mark was almost gone.
Caught the queen, re-marked her and popped her to one side to let the paint dry.
Split the hive with equal amounts of brood (6 each) and stores & drawn frames. Shook some nurse bees into the new hive.
Bees really calm.
Gently ran the queen into original hive and all fine and then a sudden furious buzzing….. pulled the frame she went onto and the bees were balling her

Brushed them off but she was lifeless so put her back into the catcher & my pocket to sort out later.
So having completed the split and reassembled everything, I started to get my stuff together to leave and pulled out the catcher from my pocket and Madam was slowly wandering around!
So I decided to try to gently introduce her to the new hive as by this time, a lot of foragers had returned to the original site.
Seemed to go ok, she sort of fell in but the nurse bees were attentive and gently touching her.
So, is ‘playing dead’ normal?
I hope she recovers from being balled, if not I’ll have two more hives requeening themselves