Took advantage of perfect conditions for a few hours bee therapy. It was one of those moments, the light was spectacular, clouds of busy bees and the heady scent of propolis in the air with an occasional hint of wood smoke from my smoker on the stack of spare boxes.
Cleared down to the brood boxes now so I'll treat tomorrow when the supers come off. I took the opportunity of such a perfect day to assess the colonies, especially this year's queens. Very pleased with Lagertha's daughters, very quiet bees, no smoke required all season, even today when I was nicking their honey they sat there pleasantly doing their own thing. Beautiful bees.
I noted another three year old who has proved herself, been reliable every season, fills the hive with bees and the supers with honey. Exceptional work rate, she is a bit of a beast. Another two queens who are two year olds seem to be very similar, a daughter from one of these produced four supers.
I finally managed to get the double brood off the Demarree, it's a tight squeeze for now until the nucs go but the confusion wasn't too bad, plenty of bees fanning both entrances.
Not all ups, the downside was clearing up a colony that failed to requeen.
At present, the brood box combs are looking lovely and they are working Balsam with Ivy not far off.
Another fix tomorrow