4 virgin queens emerged yesterday, into their roller cages, 12 days after I transferred the larva. V exciting to see the result of my Cloakboard / grafting.
Made up 4 x 3 frame Nucs each with frame of open nectar/honey, pollen and frame of sealed / emerging brood with nurse bees from same box as grafts, plus one shake of bees per box.
Brought the graft frame indoors and transferred each queen into a cage with a fondant plug I’d made of organic icing sugar and my own honey to a v stiff paste. Put the cages on top of the bars and no reaction from the bees except a bit of curiosity. Wasn’t expecting anything negative, as from same colony, though as this is my first time doing this I didn’t want to run her in, might try that next time.
Released the caps and left overnight. Plan to transfer today to a different apiary down in the valley for mating, where there will be more drones.
V. enjoyable rewarding experience so far.