What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Nothing today but bees have been out in force again from about 7.30 am and there's one dallying in the entrance "shall I sharn't I"
Wondering if to tie a couple of 50 gallon oil drums to the bee stand?

Never flooded that high... yet... said the farmer...

Lyner looks like its going to burst its banks with the rainfall we had last night!
Don't think it was boar - site is securely fenced against wild animals and the "Chasse" dogs that roam the woods every weekend in season!!
Quick inspection, eggs and different stages of larvae and brood over 4 frames, plenty of stores, insulation on, mouse gaurd on and shut up for winter.
Put all my varroa baords in the OMFs at one apiary to monitor for three days ( very warm site in NE corner of a Victorian walled Garden)

Just a bit concerned this extended warm spell in the South East will mean a high Varroa load..........also noticed a lot of wax mirrors under the hives on the flag stones...wonder what they are biulding with the wax :eek:

tons of pollen still going in AND WASPS trying their luck
+17C shade temperature today. All colonies out and about when the sun was on the hives but as soon as a hive was in the shade they were back inside in the warm.

No sign of any foraging but there was a single Asian hornet hunting bees under the OMF:eek:
put fondant on all hives, started clearing grassy area around hives, tree surgeons have left a massive pile of wood chip that will do nicely for the ground around the hives thank you !!!!!!!!!!bee-smilliebee-smilliebee-smillie
Even though we put a chickenwire cage round the hive, bees were out and about on Thursday; loads of pollen coming in - two different kinds. Chickenwire seemed to irritate them a bit at first, but they soon got over it!
Lots flying though didnt see much pollen.

Checked varroa boards which have been in this week. 2 showed small signs - maybe 20 odd over a week, and one no sign at all, so will probably not oxalic that one at least this year.
went to Cumbria honey show, good talk by PH complete with tee shirt.... I will leave you to guess the subject..
Added a bit more thymolised syrup to a few hive whilst weather so good (and forecast 14 degrees and sun tomorrow). Other hives I insulated and watched. Still loads of Ivy pollen coming in. Next weekend I will take off all feeders and insulate. Next intervention after that OA and fondant.
Both hives and nuc out and about foraging. Temps still high even if rather damp all day and night. Right now it is 14c where I am.
Bashed together a steamer..... old National lid with wallpaper stripper steam boiler attached
old sloping solid National floor with an aluminum catch tray and spout
wire QE to catch the slumgum
super full of old dirty and damaged frames in center
steam for 60 minutes........

So glad I got together with the boys in metalwork... far more fun than domestic science!
Given up the stripping now so no need for the steamer!
Well off to work now... where's me wings!
Bashed together a steamer..... old National lid with wallpaper stripper steam boiler attached
old sloping solid National floor with an aluminum catch tray and spout
wire QE to catch the slumgum
super full of old dirty and damaged frames in center
steam for 60 minutes........

So glad I got together with the boys in metalwork... far more fun than domestic science!
Given up the stripping now so no need for the steamer!
Well off to work now... where's me wings!

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Lol that's what I was thinking.:rofl:

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