What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I still do that, it is annoying, you would think we would learn. Hope you are ok

Yes...how absolutely stupid!!!!
I was a bit shaken at the time, especially as i couldn't see where they were.
A couple of paracetamol and some Apis Mel will sort me out, thanks enrico :(

Ouch :eek: i bet you do not do that again.

As per enrico.
I've done it once before......stupid and in a hurry.
Checking through some unites that I did last week (with paper held down by excluder). In two cases found queens in both brood chambers still alive and laying (ie ended up with two queen colonies). Normally I remove one of the queens but being short of time last week I didn't spend time finding and removing any of the queens. In both cases they were sister queens.

Also found a drone with odd coloured eyes (right eye black and left eye red).

How unusual do you know what causes such a mutation.
It's just as well you do not have any bees of the same nature as mine otherwise you may have ended up getting blue lighted to A@E.

One of the boxes I looked in was a split from the mad hive but I'd already got stung and had zipped up.
Strange thing is exactly 16 days ago we put in a frame of eggs and young brood from a nice hive and went back a week later to reduce the QCs to one only to find the frame largely empty and the larvae eaten. So I have them a frame from the other half of a split and was back checking the QCs today. Took them all down with a view to uniting with another colony and blow me down they had found something on that frame I thought they had destroyed. One Qc emerged and we helped five others out. I think I need to go back to bee school!
You people sound very brave to me. I'm a complete coward. I've only to get a bee caught in my hair to be almost wishing it'd just get on and sting me to get the whole thing over with. Several inside my veil? I'd be needing tranquillisers!
Extracted 50lb yesterday
Had orders for 40 jars
Took a few minutes break from jarring to see a hive throw a swarm,strange thing is this hive swarmed on 25 may.put them in polynuc but didn't get the chance to inspect the hive they came from as the clouds burst and we had a 3 hour downpour
I decided to do an inspection after coming back from my run, as I was already sweaty and thought it wouldn't matter under a bee suit.

Won't be making that mistake again.
Added extra supers to a couple of mine,there's a very good flow on here at the moment,i'm guessing from the bramble and clover.
I decided to do an inspection after coming back from my run, as I was already sweaty and thought it wouldn't matter under a bee suit.

Won't be making that mistake again.

I remember coming back from a run in early beekeeping days...all sweaty in T shirt and shorts and thought I would just look at the hives.. Three stings later, I ran into the house. Never again.
Decided to inspect my horrible hive - wellies with long boot socks, topped off with elastic bands. Double vinyl gloves.And a spray of 1:1 sugar solution..

Smoker useless with them - just agitates them more. Frequent spraying kept them manageable (just).. only one sting on hand and one on leg..Kept spraying tops of frames, entrance and each frame sides just after I pulled it to inspect..No QCs.. destroyed all drone brood - to be requeened soonish.
Have this year had two failures at getting a mated queen: lost one queen who flew during inspection - and unsuccessful emergency queen - lost hive to laying workers; other swarmed hive failed to requeen (and the recaptured swarm absconded!).

I was down to last chance from a frame of borrowed eggs. Yesterday, finally(!) found eggs + young larvae in one remaining hive. Then found a queen below who is duly marked and returned (I know she should be marked yellow, but don't have a yellow Posca... :rolleyes: ). Hive appears calm and happy again!

Lots of old frames being cycled through freezer to kill off wax moth for storage for use later.

Have this year had two failures at getting a mated queen: lost one queen who flew during inspection - and unsuccessful emergency queen - lost hive to laying workers; other swarmed hive failed to requeen (and the recaptured swarm absconded!).

I was down to last chance from a frame of borrowed eggs. Yesterday, finally(!) found eggs + young larvae in one remaining hive. Then found a queen below who is duly marked and returned (I know she should be marked yellow, but don't have a yellow Posca... :rolleyes: ). Hive appears calm and happy again!

Lots of old frames being cycled through freezer to kill off wax moth for storage for use later.

View attachment 14444

What bad luck.
Hope its all plain sailing from now on
You people sound very brave to me. I'm a complete coward. I've only to get a bee caught in my hair to be almost wishing it'd just get on and sting me to get the whole thing over with. Several inside my veil? I'd be needing tranquillisers!


If a bee gets caught in your hair, simply slap it against your head to kill it. Otherwise it will get stressed and sting you and die in any case.

If a bee gets caught in your hair, simply slap it against your head to kill it. Otherwise it will get stressed and sting you and die in any case.

good tip, having very curly hair, they are always getting stuck in my hair, I now wear a baseball hat, around hives.....not sure why they don't get stuck in my beard!

one year, I got a honey bee caught in my locks, at a BBQ and I got stung!!! to the laughter of others at the BBQ, that the Beek got stung!

(not my bees, or any hives in the area!)