What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Within a few metre's of the apiary they have been clearing the lane verges and spreading all the earth around, I took the opportunity to sow a load of Borage seeds. All these were patiently collected from the ones I grew in the garden last year.

Last year I took a drive up along the new road from the M6 to Heysham, past Lancaster and the entire road banks had been planted up with Borage....what a wonderful surprise
Local forecast for night temperatures was for double figures for at least the next week, so yesterday afternoon made up syrup and started Bailey comb changes on the two strongest rescued colonies
Will hang fire on the weaker ones for a while longer
Inspected and found bees on 8-9 frames, a handful of drone cells and saw the queen and brood in all stages. No queen cups so far. Popped a super on, as oilseed rape is not too far away and starting to flower. The weather is looking good for the next fortnight too!
Not in the apiary but the good old community council have mutilated thirteen Limes on the road near me. No forage for the bees for quite some time and you just know the reasoning was the 'mess' they leave on the pavements. Muppets.
Could your association send a letter to them heading up the environmental damage they have done? If no one says anything how are they to know?

Sustrans buggered up miles of bee forage and were horrified when I told them that their "keeping it tidy" was in fact damaging the bee forage. They changed their schedule so a heads up can work.

In the field apiary. I visited my 3 nucs with home bred queens from last summer. They overwintered well and are now living in cramped conditions. Moved one lot into a new 14/12 poly hive. Rain clouds arrived so the other two put on hold till sun comes out to play.

In beekeeping HQ - (my house) took delivery of 600 jars and lids. Had to stop selling my honey last week as no jars left- made for some sad customers.
Last year's honey is now almost gone so hoping I wasn't wildly over optimistic about this year's crop with the jar order.
Where did you get the gorse from, good move. I have planted lots of pussy willow, took cuttings from local trees. Saw a mature pussy willow tree at Kiplingcoates just buzzing with bees.
Could your association send a letter to them heading up the environmental damage they have done? If no one says anything how are they to know?

Sustrans buggered up miles of bee forage and were horrified when I told them that their "keeping it tidy" was in fact damaging the bee forage. They changed their schedule so a heads up can work.


My association is Bridgend, and not within RCT boundaries. I fear it would fall on deaf ears, RCT are a nightmare and it makes me wonder if they have anyone advising them on matters such as this. We do have a speaker coming along from Natural Resources Wales to give a talk on the Wales Action Plan for Pollinators so I'll get my chance for a rant.
Today in the apiary I got stung on the ear. I was just having a quick look through the screen, like I do most days. First of the year.
Will be having a look later as soon as the grass is dry. Bees exploded from the hives as soon as the morning rain stopped and the sun poked out.

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Pollen coming in by the bucket load along with water and/or nectar as half the bees have empty baskets.

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Did the first inspection of the year - warm and sunny here and all bees out in force.

Both hives and the nuc are Q+ - the hive on double brood have lots of stores remaining: 8 complete frames or so and a few with pollen, which I may have to keep an eye on... Has 6-7 frames of brood too with good laying patterns, very small amounts of drone brood mostly in brace comb. Nadired super swapped to the top over a QE, and the rather knackered brood box swapped for repair...

Brood and a half hive has 4 frames of brood, and stores remaining in the super and brood. QE on also. Both mouse guards off!

Nuc is healthy - the queen is getting on, but there's 2 frames of brood in a beautiful pattern, so that looks to be good for hiving up in the not too distant future.


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Swapped over frames from old manky poly boxes into new ones. These were the first lot of nationals produced by Paynes. Lots of holes from wax moth larvae in them, and ingrained propolis etc. I had glued two inches of celotex onto the roof, which at least stopped the condensation and subsequent mould which had happened previous winters.
Gave the old boxes a scrub with Cillit Bang, and will soak in bleach tomorrow. Not impressed with how they have worn. Glad I run mainly wooden boxes. Added the first super of the year, onto a WBC brood and half. Rape is starting but most hives not strong enough to make much use of it yet. The nucs are starting to take off, so will boost the production colonies with brood from them next week.
First full check today. Been away on holiday and need to see what was going on. Had issue with a defensive colony end of last year and so they were dequeened and merged with a nice colony. Now on double brood.
Original Blue marked queen still going well good laying pattern but some varroa and DWV which is disappointing 4 frames BIAS and 2 frames pollen and 3 honey stores and few frames half capped in the super that was nadired, now upright.

Merged two hives going spectacularly. 9/10 frames BIAS 3-4 full of pollen half a super of capped 6 of honey stores, some drone brood but no significant drone population and lovely pattern. Some varroa and some DWV but daughter colony of Blue. Will Mark white in a month or so and remark Blue.

Time to start planning for swarm intervention on this one.

Photos of our 2 queens.

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At home I only have one nuc colony with a homebred queen. Colony really small so will take it over to farm apiary. Farmer dave kindly brought the rape to the bees and planted up the field where the bees live.

Visited my colony in a garden up the hill. Removed nadired super - all empty and back two frames going mouldy. The colony is in a 14/12 plus a standard brood. Gave them a clean floor. The bottom (standard) box had 2 frames of bias and 4 food. Didn't look in the 14/12 above but it weighed a lot. Bees very well behaved. Lots of bright yellow pollen coming in.
Further to mites and DWV seen yesterday MAQS went in today, it is all I have and supers have some nectar and some honey in. Fingers crossed but will let you know what happens. They have had some bad press on here.
Will buy a vaporiser before autumn.

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At my place today.. Noisy.. Various birds singing outloud.. At least no sounds of civilisations only birds and bees. Whole area is covered of scent of fruit and wild fruit flowers, white flowers everywhere like snow has fallen. Today saw apples start blooming..
Nice flow of nectar and pollen. Some hurried to place pollen traps, I didn't. Brooding is nice bees from " weak" on 5 brood frames to 8 brood frames.
Unfortunatelly drought already, long time passed when rained or will be rain as prognosis say.. But warm and nice to enjoy in spring sun and nature..
Just transferred a very strong 6 frame nuc into full hive I sold to a neighbour
There was bias on the 6 frames
Queen spotted
Happy new owner
Arranged to do his first few inspections with him in a couple of weeks
Hope the 2 nucs I kept are as strong when I transfer to full hives on Monday
Also need to transfer the other 2 nucs I sold on Monday