What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Hooray. Bees out on the willows and the trees are humming
Yes, great, same here too, bucket loads of pollen coming in, and they were flying before 9am. 14 degrees and cloudy but finally less wind and next 3 days are better, forecast 16 tomorrow and friday! 3 days foraging on the Mimosa and Willow will give a few good days food (or more) for developing larvae. Phew!!
feeling good about things now!

What a difference two days makes....what miserable gits we were in the rain


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What a difference two days makes....what miserable gits we were in the rain

:iagree::yeahthat: My kids couldn't work out why i was so miserable last week and happy today!! Then they heard the words Pollen and Flying!! Just when we needed it eh!!
There are antihistamines available that don't cause drowsiness. Have a word with your doctor/pharmacist about it (I use ceterizine all year round because I have quite bad asthma).

I take them from about April onwards for hay fever but I find that Loratadine is a more effective tablet than Cetirizine Hydrochloride - both are non-drowsy though.
Not much past few days. Rain, cold.. Today after " short" considering, reading and discussing made first patties with whey in powder and nozevit again. Will see.. On Friday will be one interesting lecture hold by Antonio Nanetti which I plan to attend..
Odd thing, watching increasing offers of colonies for sell and same time whining of huge winter losses.. Monty Python Flying Circus..
As Pargyle, I take Loratidine for hayfever.

I like to suggest to a Newbee or someone who swells up from stings, that they take an antihistamine a little while before going to the bees,
24 degrees in the sunshine of the Apiary today, all hives busy bringing in pollen, Spring was in the air!!!
im astounded the amount of bees leaving my hives, more like June or July must not have had a brood break or very little, there on double brood as well, I think I will have to nock them back a bit or they will be swarming early this year.
One of the three colonies was on a warning at the end of last year. Opened the hive twice this year. Had them pinging my veil, following and had a couple of stings cos guards were unnoticed on the back of my suit fanning in the attack.

They are in my garden and I was planning on moving a hive on but that didn't work out so needed action for the sake of my kids.

So as I don't have a nuc handy I have given Katherine the boot, literally. newspaper merged her colony onto our other buckfast x local daughter.

hive seems quiet after this interference tonight.

heres hoping.....


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Black thorn brambles and dog rose , all excellent forage crops for honey bees . Do not be too brutal !

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I know, tons of gorse and broom too, a dream site! I've just cleared enough space and the rest is untouched!! this may ne more of a spring apiary, as chestnut is probably more like a kilometre away, but theres Rape fairly close too!!
This apiary should have enough forage for at least 20 hives.but will monitor it closely.
Cold and windy, about 7C.. I leave adding fondant for tomorrow.. Cornel in full bloom, goat willow more and more popping with flowers around, all around sprayed with violets and primroses.. But bad weather don't let bees use all these plants..
I sticked with pruning of fruit trees. Apricots almost opened flowers, peaches not too far. hazelnuts are opening leaf buds.. Here we go.
Hopefully next weekend will be able to take frames in hand, but won't force it.
I've been at lectures held by Antonio Nanetti, even spoke few words with him about brood break and OA trickling during summer as antivarroa program in Italy.. Some of that brood break doesn't fit to me, I will have to try it by my own.. if I have time and will ( more important)..
Forgot ,such kind gentleman and pleasure to talk with, as he is really eager to explain of all asked..
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moved a 12ft x 8ft shed to its new site in my apiary. Took four of us to do it but I should have plenty of storage space for awhile
Just watched clouds of my bees bringing in orange pollen - daffodils? No full inspection yet but with temps around 13 degrees, the first opening can't be far off.
Well the weather man truly got it wrong for today! I got up early with good intentions and by mid day it was becoming obvious that the mist was here to stay: ( hopping Sunday afternoon is better, we will see?
16 degrees here today.Had a quick look to check for brood and stores. Both present glad to say. Although I have too much of one I suspect. Another plus point, my colony of unfriendly bees, requeened late last year are now relaxed and nice to be around. Thanks to HM.
Not sunny but 18 degrees according to apiary thermometers

Removed the empty nadired supers on 3 colonies and replaced over clearerboards, will remove entirely tomorrow morning

Fondant dissappearing fast on some but good for another few days

All flying strong, mousegaurds off and nuc entrances opened, bright yellow pollen coming in by the bucket load

Still 100%
Winter Aconite

The apiary aconites are flowering at the base of shrubs and brambles. I suspect my problem of foliage eating is ...pigeons.