On the warpath for varroa. The under OMF insulation has been removed from the beehausies and the varroa boards greased and replaced. Also the boards greased and put under the poly hives.
I could see that the beehausies all have 2-3 plus brood frames being used as there was lines of brood cappings on the insulation blocks. So begins the varroa counts prior to opening hives in the near future.
There was evidence of a MOUSE!!!!! EEeeek!
Not in the hives but one had tried to get in....it had scratched and gnawed at the insulation...in vain...as the OMF stopped it. I don't know how it managed to get there as the legs are metal....clearly a very determined rodent.
The other really interesting thing is that the bees have built the comb down to within an inch or less of the OMF. Which they have not done before...so I guess the insulation makes a big difference to the bees after all.