Well after constructing a few bee hive parts for next year (Maisemore sale thanks!!) I then popped up t'apiary and fed the last of the syrup to the hives that needed it, removing empty feeders from the others.
I was surprised to find that 2 hives had propolised up completely the mesh on the contact feeders, and, having hefted them, have found the hives are pretty heavy anyway.
Well we all make mistakes, me included!! I wanted to remove a few spare super frames from the strongest hive (having left 3 supers on for them to clear out) only to find that 2 of them were almost entirely full of something or other (syrup or capped honey). Amazing really considering the weather inconsistencies recently. I also too the opportunity to re-fit 2 entrance blocks missing and remove a perspex cover board, replacing it with a wooden one.
Well, that's it for the season, apart from oxalic in December. Bees seem happy and healthy and well placed for the winter we are about to experience next week....lets hope I don't speak too soon !!!