What about a combined attractor?

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House Bee
Jan 3, 2012
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Would there be any harm in combining the use of lemon grass oil with some bee sugar syrup placed inside/on top of the frames within the swarm trap?

(I don't mean to mix them both obviously, but separately.)

The reason I ask, is that the hype of activity I had at my traps all day Wednesday, has died down considerably, and was just wondering if this may help?

I have just done a check and there is the odd bee at two of my seven traps.

Do you think the scouts who may have been there on Wednesday are still at " the "board table" back at their original hive trying to convince "Maam" and the rest of the colony to come on over to my place??


I'm not sure about food in the bait box, would it encourage robbing behaviour?

I did hear somewhere about making a concoction from a deceased queen, mushed up in vodka, I think. The queen pheromone acts as lure.

I did hear somewhere about making a concoction from a deceased queen, mushed up in vodka, I think. The queen pheromone acts as lure.

I have tried. Really waste of vodka. It does not work at all.

It is mentioned in American researches that black combs invite best swarms ir old bee box. Foundations do not.
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I'm not sure about food in the bait box, would it encourage robbing behaviour?

I did hear somewhere about making a concoction from a deceased queen, mushed up in vodka, I think. The queen pheromone acts as lure.

+1. Was the original comb completely clean?

I used some Q essence in a trap and a bunch of bees set up home in it (I have strong Q- colony that I suspect they came from). It was not a swarm but enough to start FILLING the old comb. Powerful stuff, Q essence. But I am not sure it is the right thing for a swarm trap. A nearby branch, maybe.
I always use a national size mdf box with 3 of the oldest muckiest brood frames inside, and a couple of drops of lemongrass at the entrance.
I have a couple of these which usually attract 2-3 swarms a year.
Thank you for your replies.

The reason I ask this is that I feel a little despondent today as there is hardly any activity at the traps unlike Wednesday!

Still, I'm sure that means nothing and there is still lots of hope a swarm may appear?

Anymore advice would be appreciated.


Thank you for your replies.

The reason I ask this is that I feel a little despondent today as there is hardly any activity at the traps unlike Wednesday!

Still, I'm sure that means nothing and there is still lots of hope a swarm may appear?

Anymore advice would be appreciated.



They're not like mackerel, you know :- )
They can tease you for weeks, ever increasing numbers of scouts, then nothing or they wait till you've gone away for a week and fill your bait hive with wild comb, but it's worth the wait when they arrive and your garden goes very dark and buzzy and all your neighbours run for cover and you get a free colony of bees in a handy container, to do with what you will.
And tease you they do..
I get a little activity during the swarm season which often reaches a peak on Fridays. Then suddenly nothing. Obvious reason :)
it's pretty obvious from the OP's initial post is that what attracted the initial flurry of activity was the smell of fresh newly heared wax (aren't we told not to boil/steam old frames when bees are active)
What was seen IMHO was loads of bees intent on robbing whatever had made the smells - now the wax has cooled properly - no interest.
All you would achieve by putting syrup in your bait hives is attract and instigate a massive robbing frenzy with the possibility of spreading disease. You don't need any magic potions to attract a swarm, just a suitable box of the right dimensions, entrance hole etc. as advised by Tom Seeley.
Have you looked at cushmans site - bees and ley lines? Very thought provoking.
I use lemon grass oil on the front landing strip and also in the top of the frames inside, about 10 drops randomly splattered over.
I also use Swarm Commander from America. It does actually work. however its very strong and no more than 1 squirt on the top of the front face of nuc or whatever you use, not inside.
I also use Swarm Catch, synthetic nasanov. its more of a last minute when the swarm is nearly there that this kicks in. You can buy this from many outlets, sold in little ampoules.
But obviously, old clean dark comb, and no pollen in it or Honey or stores.
Any well proposed box to start with.
we've discussed it on the forum many times, but more often than not just the old proposed box is enough. I caught a swarm from my hives last week, it went in to an empty nuc box i hadn't had time to put away. Lovely!!
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Have you looked at cushmans site - bees and ley lines? Very thought provoking.

The only thoughts it provokes in me are ones of sanity, madness and other such things.

If you read the article, it says that he's found lots of straight lines that pass through his bee hives, and often one that aligns with the direction of the comb.
Funny that, because is it possible not to have a straight line or two passing through every hive? I can show you straight lines passing through all my hives.
I've even got some straight lines that each pass through two of my hives, now is that spooky or what? Maybe it only happens on a full moon, or when all hives are warm way? :rofl::smilielol5::icon_204-2:
Would there be any harm in combining the use of lemon grass oil with some bee sugar syrup placed inside/on top of the frames within the swarm trap?

(I don't mean to mix them both obviously, but separately.)

The reason I ask, is that the hype of activity I had at my traps all day Wednesday, has died down considerably, and was just wondering if this may help?

I have just done a check and there is the odd bee at two of my seven traps.

Do you think the scouts who may have been there on Wednesday are still at " the "board table" back at their original hive trying to convince "Maam" and the rest of the colony to come on over to my place??



Good way to attact wasps as well though> :)